
Evil Lives Here

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عضوية برايم مطلوبة

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  1. الموسم 13 الحلقة 1 - I Watched Daddy Bury Mommy

    ٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢
    42 من الدقائق
    As a child, Lori Hodge doesn’t understand what she sees when her father, Gene Keidel, digs a hole in the yard in the middle of the night, but as she gets older and realizes the truth, she becomes a threat, and he will stop at nothing to keep his secret.
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  2. الموسم 13 الحلقة 2 - I Made It Out Alive

    ٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢
    42 من الدقائق
    For years, every time Gabi Blair walks past the freezer, she shudders at the thought of the horrors hidden inside. Forced to keep secret her mother’s crimes, she prays that someone will discover the truth before she becomes her mother’s next victim.
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  3. الموسم 13 الحلقة 3 - Scratch My Murderous Itch

    ٥ فبراير ٢٠٢٣
    42 من الدقائق
    Eugene Borg knows that Satan has evil plans for his young son, Tyler, and spends the subsequent years battling the demons he believes plague his child -- until a shock comes that proves that he may have forever lost the war for his son’s soul.
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  4. الموسم 13 الحلقة 4 - Kill Him, Save Yourself

    ٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢
    42 من الدقائق
    David Magnano and his stepsister, Jessica, know that Scott Magnano is dangerous. They know they would be safer if he were gone, and they know he deserves to die. What David doesn’t know is how much he will regret not killing Scott when he has the chance.
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  5. الموسم 13 الحلقة 5 - He Called It "The Need"

    ٣٠ نوفمبر ٢٠٢٢
    42 من الدقائق
    When Dianne Burns moves across the country to marry Mark Burns in prison, she has no doubt her soon-to-be husband has been wrongfully accused -- until after his release when she begins to see signs that he is not only guilty but only just getting started.
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  6. الموسم 13 الحلقة 6 - He Looks Like the Killer on TV

    ٤ مارس ٢٠٢٣
    42 من الدقائق
    Margie Bult thinks her second husband is too good to be true from the start, but when a friend tells her to turn on the TV and she sees a fugitive named Paul Steven Mack who resembles him, she vows to uncover the truth no matter the risk to herself.
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  7. الموسم 13 الحلقة 7 - Fantasizing and Hunting

    ١٢ مارس ٢٠٢٣
    42 من الدقائق
    When Michael O’Leary moves in with his brother, Marc, he doesn’t realize that Marc has already fled the police in one state and committed crimes in another until police finally track them down, and suspect Michael of being Marc’s accomplice.
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  8. الموسم 13 الحلقة 8 - The Hole in the Backyard

    ١٢ مارس ٢٠٢٣
    42 من الدقائق
    When a hole appears in the backyard, Delila Yang gets suspicious. She knows her mother, Karina, dug it and knows someone is missing, but Delila doesn't yet realize she must work with police to trap her mom and unearth her sinister secrets.
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  9. الموسم 13 الحلقة 9 - Ménage à Terror

    ١ أبريل ٢٠٢٣
    42 من الدقائق
    Genie already knows Lee Cawthon is capable of horrible things when he forces her into a polygamous relationship. She plays along with his twisted demands but doesn't realize that the consequences of letting him have his way might be worse.
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  10. الموسم 13 الحلقة 10 - Sisters in Silence

    ١٢ مارس ٢٠٢٣
    42 من الدقائق
    William Cosden Jr. coerced his much younger sisters, Karen and Susan, into keeping secrets about what he did. Now the girls are adults, and with one facing death, they reunite one final time to try to repair the trauma keeping those secrets caused them.
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المزيد من المعلومات


لا شيء متاح

فريق التمثيل

Kevin Fitzpatrick


discovery plus Ties That Bind
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