Friends: The Game Show
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Şartlar geçerlidir
S1 B1 - The One With the Weenie From Linguine
18 Aralık 202444 dakCelebrating 30 years of the beloved series, three teams of Friends-aholics kick off the competition in hopes of advancing to the Grand Finale.Max ücretsiz üyeliğiS1 B2 - The One With the Chest Wax
25 Aralık 202448 dakAfter a beloved character tests the contestants' knowledge of Friends parties, the teams face off for an "Ugly Naked Guy" game of charades.Max ücretsiz üyeliğiS1 B3 - The One Where Boston Is a State
1 Ocak 202545 dakVying for a spot in the finale, three new teams dig deep into their knowledge of Phoebe’s songs, as well as the show’s iconic arguments and locations.Max ücretsiz üyeliğiS1 B4 - The One With the Winner
8 Ocak 202541 dakIn the Grand Finale, the contestants are quizzed by a special guest before heading to the Vegas Wedding Chapel to rank Friends exes in order.Max ücretsiz üyeliği
Daha fazla bilgi
İçerik danışma
- Yanıp sönen ışıklar
Alt Yazılar
- Yok
Oyuncu Kadrosu
- Whitney Cummings
- Discovery Global Lifestyle
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