
  1. الموسم 5 الحلقة 1 - Longfellow's Wayside Inn

    ١٠ فبراير ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    Zak, Nick and Aaron investigate a succubus at Longfellow's Wayside Inn in Sudbury, Massachusetts.
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  2. الموسم 5 الحلقة 2 - The Witch House and Lyceum Restaurant

    ١٧ فبراير ٢٠١١
    42 من الدقائق
    Zak, Nick and Aaron travel to Salem, MA, to conduct a two-part lockdown. First the guys start with Judge Jonathan Corwin's house. Then the crew ventures to The Lyceum, built on the land of the infamous witch trials.
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  3. الموسم 5 الحلقة 3 - Jerome Grand Hotel

    ٢٤ فبراير ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    Residents of Jerome, AZ, and those who visit the hotel, come away with inexplicable tales of specters and other phenomena. The Ghost Adventures crew has to come to Jerome to mollify the community's angry ghosts.
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  4. الموسم 5 الحلقة 4 - Yorktown Hospital

    ١٧ مارس ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    Zak, Nick and Aaron use their ghost hunting skills to uncover the truth behind the terrifying haunting at an abandoned hospital in Yorktown, TX.
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  5. الموسم 5 الحلقة 5 - Sacramento Tunnels

    ١٤ أبريل ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    The Ghost Adventures crew investigates historically ravaged Sacramento in a three-part lockdown that has them scouring the underground tunnels, phantoms of the theater and haunts from the original California Supreme Court.
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  6. الموسم 5 الحلقة 6 - Hales Bar Marina and Dam

    ٢٨ أبريل ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    Zak, Nick and Aaron investigate the haunted Hales Bar Marina. The marina sits on former Native American lands, and it's disturbed by a Cherokee curse. Their investigation gets disrupted when the crew encounters a tornado.
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  7. الموسم 5 الحلقة 7 - Kentucky Slave House

    ١٢ مايو ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    The ghosts of tortured slaves lead Zak, Nick and Aaron into the Maysville Slave House in Kentucky. The team provokes the cruel slave owner and comforts the tormented spirits of the slaves that once resided in the house's dungeon.
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  8. الموسم 5 الحلقة 8 - Tooele Hospital

    ٢٦ مايو ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    Tales of spirits in Utah bring Zak, Nick and Aaron to investigate a hospital turned haunted attraction. After they're warned that the spirits scratch visitors, things heat up when a spirit calls Zak out by name.
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  9. الموسم 5 الحلقة 9 - Loretta Lynn's Plantation House

    ٩ يونيو ٢٠١١
    43 من الدقائق
    Zak, Nick and Aaron investigate their first celebrity home when they visit the Loretta Lynn Plantation in Hurricane Mills, TN. The team splits up and divides their investigation between locations all over the plantation.
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محتوى إضافي

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum

43 من الدقائقTV-PG
Hollywood wax figures and mob villains cause quite a stir for Zak and the crew during a lockdown at Madame Tussauds, former site of the Mafia-run Sands Casino.
Hollywood wax figures and mob villains cause quite a stir for Zak and the crew during a lockdown at Madame Tussauds, former site of the Mafia-run Sands Casino.
Hollywood wax figures and mob villains cause quite a stir for Zak and the crew during a lockdown at Madame Tussauds, former site of the Mafia-run Sands Casino.


المزيد من المعلومات

استشاري المحتوى

أضواء ساطعة


لا شيء متاح

فريق التمثيل

Zak BagansNick GroffAaron Goodwin


discovery plus Ghostly Encounters
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