S5 B1 - Susie Goes Bad Lite
20 Kasım 200724 dakTired of being called perfect and on the edge of boring, Susie tries to go "bad." Her efforts, however, fall short of notice until she completely changes her style.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B2 - Golden Boy
16 Ağustos 200824 dakTommy breaks his plans to go the Big Ball Game with Grandpa, so Grandpa decides to take Dil instead. Upon seeing how well Dil and Grandpa are getting along, Tommy worries that he is being replaced as favorite grandson.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B3 - Trading Places
22 Kasım 200724 dakChuckie and crew are watching a "Trading Spaces" type show when Tommy notices that Kimi seems upset.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B4 - TP + KF
25 Kasım 200724 dakThe rats are up in the Finster attic searching for Halloween costumes when they discover a carving of a heart and the initials "T.P. + K.P." in the heart. Everyone immediately questions Tommy who claims he doesn't know anything about the heart.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B5 - Super Hero Worship
26 Kasım 200724 dakTommy has procrastinated on his science project, a mouse maze and it is now due in just a few days. Chuckie promises to help Tommy since he did an amazing job on the same project the year before.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B6 - What's Love Got To Do With It?
27 Kasım 200724 dakAngelica has always talked her way up from bad grades with her powers of persuasion. But her usual methods are thwarted by the dreamy new substitute, Mr. Fisk.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B7 - All Broke Up
28 Kasım 200724 dakTommy and Rachel break up because Rachel's family is moving away. Surprisingly, Tommy feels okay. His friends, however, are convinced that Tommy is in denial and they go over board trying to help Tommy cope with his grief.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B8 - Petition This
29 Kasım 200724 dakFed up with the annoyance that cell phones cause at school, Kimi decides to start a petition to ban cell phones. Angelica, an avid cell phone lover, decides to start her own counter petition, but no one will sign it because no one likes Angelica.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B9 - Brothers Grimm
9 Ağustos 200824 dakSick of her family acting like zombies, Didi decides to get rid of all the TVs in their house. Tommy and Dil are distraught over this; as are their friends when their parents also decide to get rid of their televisions.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alınS5 B10 - Bad Blood
2 Ağustos 200824 dakDil has gotten a hold of a one of kind, reportedly real alien autopsy tape. He and the gang can't wait to watch it, but their plans are impinged upon when both Grandpa Lou and Grandpa Boris decide to baby-sit them.Paramount+ ücretsiz üyeliği veya satın alın
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