The Confidante
Max ఉచిత ట్రయల్
నిబంధనలు వర్తిస్తాయి
Prime సభ్యత్వం అవసరం
సీ1 ఎపి1 - Vincent
10 అక్టోబర్, 202456నిమిAfter witnessing the deadly terrorist attacks on Paris, Chris latches onto a community of survivors, though her mother begins to doubt her intentions.Max ఉచిత ట్రయల్సీ1 ఎపి2 - Émilie
17 అక్టోబర్, 202453నిమిAfter attempting to qualify for the victims' fund, Chris poses as Vincent to befriend Myriam and draws suspicion from Émilie's partner.Max ఉచిత ట్రయల్సీ1 ఎపి3 - Myriam
24 అక్టోబర్, 202446నిమిIn her new role as an official employee of Stand for Paris, Chris accuses other victims of fraud-- causing Léon to investigate.Max ఉచిత ట్రయల్సీ1 ఎపి4 - Chris
31 అక్టోబర్, 202450నిమిAs Chris's past catches up with her and the police close in, Léon confides in Myriam -- who questions everything she thought she knew about her budding relationship with Vincent.Max ఉచిత ట్రయల్
మరింత సమాచారం
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