Ladies of Letters

Two British widows who met at a wedding trade letters in which they attempt to one-up each other with stories and events from their lives. Based on the iconic BBC radio show, this 10-part series stars Maureen Lipman (The Pianist) and Anne Reid (Last Tango In Halifax).
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  1. S1 A1Episode 1

    2 februari 2009
    23 min
    ÖVER 13 ÅR
    The wedding of Irene’s daughter Leslie was a great success, but Irene later learns that guest Vera is not a relative at all-just helping with the catering-but she’s very nicely written to say thank you, so Irene replies to Vera, thanking her for her thank you letter.
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  2. S1 A2Episode 2

    9 februari 2009
    22 min
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    While Vera battles with builders, Irene is being romanced. Bill has been paying her attention, and she’s enjoying every minute. Feeling neglected and a tad jealous, Vera nonetheless agrees to invite the two of them to lunch, and Irene prepares to show off her dapper new lothario.
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  3. S1 A3Episode 3

    16 februari 2009
    22 min
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Irene invites Vera to stay for a few days, but she’ll have to come by train since her daughter Karen has written the car off. Vera is furious-she felt more affection for that little Fiesta than she ever felt for Karen.
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  4. S1 A4Episode 4

    23 februari 2009
    23 min
    ÖVER 13 ÅR
    Vera discovers her unmarried daughter Karen is pregnant. Years of frustration lead to an embarrassing outburst by Karen’s hospital bed. Irene pays Vera a visit and finds that she gets on very well with Karen, who decides to spend a few days with her mum’s pen pal.
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  5. S1 A5Episode 5

    2 mars 2009
    23 min
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    Irene wears a dayglo lurex tankini at the demonstration against the nuclear fuel dump, and Vera is deeply shocked to hear that Irene was both injured and arrested, and is now in the hospital. The diagnosis? Amnesia, loss of sex drive, and a compulsion to use bad language.
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  6. S1 A6Episode 6

    9 mars 2009
    23 min
    ÖVER 13 ÅR
    Irene is in prison for demonstrating to her friends how she head-butted a bulldozer at the protest against the nuclear dumping site. Her swearing affliction only made matters worse.
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  7. S1 A7Episode 7

    16 mars 2009
    23 min
    ÖVER 13 ÅR
    Vera and Irene are making a big impact on board Her Majesty’s prison ship Pride Of Cleveland, bringing their wealth of experience to subverting the system. Irene deals with the painful news that her daughter in Australia has told little Cheryl Marie that her granny is dead, while Vera struggles to come to terms with her son Howard’s admission that he’s gay (a surprise only to her).
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  8. S1 A8Episode 8

    23 mars 2009
    23 min
    FRÅN 7 ÅR
    At Sheepdippers Irene is being driven to distraction by Howard’s childishness and Karen’s irresponsible behaviors, including neglecting her newborn baby and going out clubbing every night.
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  9. S1 A9Episode 9

    30 mars 2009
    23 min
    ÖVER 13 ÅR
    Vera is out of prison! High on drugs given by her psychiatrist - she caused a sensation on HMS Pride of Cleveland with a combination of nudity, soprano decibels and an unprintable offer to the ship’s boson.
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  10. S1 A10Episode 10

    6 april 2009
    23 min
    Vera’s house is on the verge of demolition to make way for a new bypass. Opening Vera’s correspondence, Irene learns that Vera’s house is now worth very little, so that once her mortgage is paid off she will be left with hardly anything.
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John Henderson




Anne ReidMaureen LipmanMorag SillerDaniel CrowderPaul ChahidiJada Wallace-MitchellStacey RocaElla LuxfordJonathan CoyLee Boardman


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