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Military Blunders

Military Blunders offers an examination of the ways in which poor planning, meddling politicians, and bad strategy have changed the outcome of conflicts.
199225 episoder
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  1. S1 E1Last Flight Of Lady/Hitler's Flying Blunders
    30. marts 1999
    An American B-24 Liberator lost over the Mediterranean in a daylight bombing mission, overshoots its base on the Libyan coast and crashes in the desert.
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  2. S1 E2Sinking Of The Graf Spee/Sinking Of Force Z
    1. april 1999
    First, Germany sends its best pocket battleship on a secret mission in the Atlantic in 1939. When confronted by three British cruisers.
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  3. S1 E3The Pilot Who Bombed London/Lady Be Good
    25. september 1999
    In 1940, after an off-course pilot bombs London, the British bomb Berlin. Then: A WWII U.S. B-24 Liberator crew crashes in the Libyan desert. It takes 20 years to learn their fate.
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  4. S1 E4Desert One/The Bay Of Pigs
    29. marts 1999
    Take a look back at two colossal miscalculations: the attempt by U.S. Special Forces to rescue hostages in the U.S. Embassy during the Iranian Revolution in 1980, and the disastrous Bay of Pigs invasion against Castro.
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  5. S1 E5Great Blunders In History: The Shooting Down Of Kal 007
    22. januar 2002
    Review the shooting down of South Korean commercial airliner KAL 007 by Soviet fighters after Moscow claimed it had strayed into their airspace.
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  6. S1 E6The U-2 Affair/The Spanish H-Bomb Crash
    20. november 1999
    Gary Powers' reconnaissance spy plane is shot down on a high altitude mission over the U.S.S.R. Then: In another blunder from the early 1960s, a hydrogen bomb is dropped dangerously close to a Spanish holiday resort.
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  7. S1 E7Stalin's Purges/The Coup Against Gorbachev
    13. november 1992
    By the mid-1930s, Soviet Armed Forces ranked with the world's most modern - but a purge of senior officers would have disastrous consequences. Then, a look at the failed 1991 coup against Mikhail Gorbachev.
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  8. S1 E8Saddam's Invasion/Desert One
    11. september 1999
    Look at how Saddam Hussein's misunderstanding of the international political climate led to his invasion of Kuwait. Then, examine the aborted attempt by U.S. Special Forces to rescue hostages held in Tehran in 1980.
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  9. S1 E9My Lai Massacre
    31. december 2049
    When an ill-trained lieutenant encouraged his inexperienced platoon to torch a Vietnamese village and massacre its innocent inhabitants, it was his own colleagues who ensured justice was done.
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  10. S1 E10Convoy Pq17/Battle Crusier Disaster Jutland
    28. august 1999
    Take a look back at the sinking of half of one of the largest Anglo-American convoys to sail to Russia in World War II.
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  11. S1 E11Sinking Of The Lusitania/Treaty Of Versailles
    9. oktober 1999
    See how the Lusitania sailed into history, leading the U.S. into World War I, and how the blistering conditions imposed by the Allies on post-war Germany resulted in the rise of Nazism.
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  12. S1 E12A Bridge Too Far/Bombing Fiasco In Normandy
    18. september 1999
    British Field Marshal Montgomery races U.S. General Patton into Germany, but deploys airborne brigades one bridge too far. Then: Allied troops are bombed by their own planes at Normandy.
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  13. S1 E13Battle Of The Bulge/Bombing Of Monte Cassino
    2. oktober 1999
    First, look at Hitler's massive counter-offensive in the Belgian Ardennes, where wintry weather works against him. Then, see if the Allies floundered when they bombed a beautiful Franciscan monastery.
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  14. S1 E14Bomb Plot To Kill Hitler/Mutiny In Trenches
    3. august 1999
    A plot by German opposition fails to kill Hitler in 1944 at the Wolf's Lair. Then: In 1917, wide-scale mutinies plague the French army during World War I.
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  15. S1 E15Disaster In Dardanelles/The Raid On Dieppe
    14. august 1999
    Winston Churchill's badly planned attack on Turkey in WWI is immortalized in the film "Gallipoli." Then: The Canadians face disaster in their first major operation of World War II. But who is really to blame?
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  16. S1 E16Failure Of The Kamikaze/The Wooden Flat-Tops
    25. december 1999
    The Japanese use of manned torpedoes, speedboats packed with explosives, and midget submarines fails to achieve real success. Then: The U.S. Navy continues to oufit its carriers with a fatal flaw.
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  17. S1 E17German Blunder At Dunkirk/Operation Sealion
    4. september 1999
    When the Germans could have crushed the 400,000 remnants of the British Expeditionary Force, Hitler withholds his Panzers. Then: Hitler's plans are foiled due to his misunderstanding of amphibious operations.
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  18. S1 E18Hitler's Declaration/Death At Stalingrad
    7. august 1999
    President Roosevelt fights resistance to joining the war against Germany and Italy - until Hitler declares war on the U.S. Then: Hitler's insistence on taking Stalingrad leads to the loss of an entire army.
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  19. S1 E20Japan Mistakes Midway/Failure Of The Kamikaze
    21. august 1999
    The Imperial Japanese Navy's greatest blunder happens at Midway, when everything that can go wrong does. Then: Japanese use of manned torpedoes and explosive speedboats fails to achieve real success.
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  20. S1 E21Macarthur's Crossing/Failure Of The Kamikaze
    31. marts 2001
    After daring Inchon landings force back the invading North Koreans, General MacArthur insists on pushing forward. Then: Japanese use of manned torpedoes and explosive speedboats fails to achieve real success.
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  21. S1 E22Mussolini's Invasion Of Greece/Fall Of Crete
    21. juli 2003
    In 1940, Mussolini invades Greece, but suffers a severe setback. Then: In May 1941, the Germans seize Crete in a daring airborne operation - that the British see coming.
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  22. S1 E23Mussolini's Invasion/Impregnable Gazala Line
    25. december 1999
    In 1940, Mussolini invades Greece, but suffers a severe setback. Next, the "impregnable" British defense line in Libya that proves fatally flawed.
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  23. S1 E24Naval Night Fighting/Bombers Without Escorts
    8. januar 2000
    The lack of priority given to night fighting capability by the U.S. Navy proves disastrous when Americans meet the Japanese at Guadalcanal in 1942. Then: A U.S.A.A.F. belief about its own bombers proves fatal
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  24. S1 E25Operation Tiger/Allied Double Cross
    12. maj 2001
    The U.S. loses 700 servicemen in a landing rehearsal off the coast of England. Then, learn why no German spies operated successfully from Britain during WWII.
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  25. S1 E26Uss Indianapolis/Collison At Sea: Queen Mary
    12. november 1992
    When the U.S. cruiser Indianapolis is torpedoed, the crew is left struggling in shark-infested waters. Then: The Queen Mary cuts an escorting cruiser in two.
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