The Island with Bear Grylls
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S5 E1 - Episode 1
5 maggio 201847minIn episode one of the brand new series of The Island with Bear Grylls, Bear begins the experiment by dropping off a wealthy group in deep water two hundred metres off the coast and a less well off group within caiman infested mangroves.Iscriviti a PrimeS5 E2 - Episode 2
9 maggio 201847minAfter a class war on the desert island, the wealthy & less well-off teams go their separate ways and set up two camps at opposite ends of the same beach. Millwall fan Phil tries to lead his team by the scruff of the neck but his dictatorial style ends in mutiny within his own camp.Iscriviti a PrimeS5 E3 - Episode 3
12 maggio 201847minAt starvation point Barnes decides to risk strong currents and rip tides on a raft journey to a nearby island in the hope of finding food. Both camps are resolved to live apart but driven by desperation Barnes invites his neighbours on the raft expedition.Iscriviti a PrimeS5 E4 - Episode 4
15 maggio 201848minAfter three weeks on the island the castaways are now dangerously malnourished, with gynaecologist Ali falling below seven stone. Despite still living at opposite ends of the same beach, the wealthy and less well off teams finally put their differences aside in a joint hunting expedition as they attempt to solve their food crisis together.Iscriviti a PrimeS5 E5 - Episode 5
18 maggio 201847minFacing their last week of isolation the two camps decide to battle their class prejudices and the high seas, in a joint bid to raft to the neighbouring island. But can they bury their differences before Bear arrives? Steel worker Ben finds a new lease of life to finally build the shelter of his dreams but at the eleventh hour disaster stops him in his tracks.Iscriviti a PrimeS5 E6 - Episode 6
20 maggio 201846minIn the final programme of this series, Bear arrives on the island. He wants to discover the stories behind the castaways' sometimes dubious survival strategies before he returns with them to civilisationIscriviti a Prime
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- Violenza linguaggio volgare contenuto sessuale
- Non disponibili
- Alan Williams
- Bear Grylls
- Bear Grylls
- Shine TV
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