The Throwback

A married couple are thrown into a crisis when the wife, an under-appreciated and stressed "supermom", suffers a post-traumatic breakdown during the holiday season causing her to regress to her college-aged, party-girl self. While she teams up with the neighbor's 19 year old daughter to paint the town red, her bewildered husband must navigate the chaos at home.
IMDb 5,51 h 42 min2024X-Ray16+

Disponibile per i clienti Amazon Prime

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Offerta valida solo per un periodo limitato. Si applicano termini e condizioni.

I noleggi includono 30 giorni per iniziare a guardare il video e 48 ore per completarlo una volta iniziato.


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Lingue audio



English [CC]


Mario Garcia


Mario GarciaMichael A AlfieriDoug Fox


Justina MachadoWill SassoBobby LeeGregg SulkinMichelle RandolphRhonda ShearGreg Pitts


Good Deed Entertainment
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