
This Is Life With Lisa Ling

Award-winning journalist Lisa Ling goes on a gritty, breathtaking journey to the far corners of America.
IMDb 8,020188 episódiosX-RayTV-PG
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  1. T5 E1 - The Myth of MS-13

    22 de setembro de 2018
    42 min
    Thirteen years after reporting on the world’s most dangerous gang, Lisa Ling returns to the ultra-violent world of MS-13.
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  2. T5 E2 - The Meth Crossroads

    29 de setembro de 2018
    42 min
    Lisa Ling meets the law enforcement teams working to curb the crystal meth epidemic plaguing the people of Oklahoma.
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  3. T5 E3 - Gender Fluidity

    6 de outubro de 2018
    42 min
    Lisa Ling explores the revolution going on in how we think about genders. She meets individuals across the spectrum who are seeking acceptance from those closest to them.
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  4. T5 E4 - Screen Addiction

    13 de outubro de 2018
    42 min
    Lisa Ling goes in depth into the role technology plays in the mental health crisis.
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  5. T5 E5 - Children of Killers

    20 de outubro de 2018
    42 min
    Lisa Ling explores the lives of the children of mass murderers.
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  6. T5 E6 - The Mediums of Lily Dale

    27 de outubro de 2018
    42 min
    Lisa Ling travels to the Lily Dale Assembly, a cozy lakeside village in upstate New York, that is a community of mediums.
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  7. T5 E7 - The Dad Dilemma

    10 de novembro de 2018
    42 min
    Lisa Ling meets up with dads on the losing side of custody battles. She dives deep into the world of child support and lawyer fees from the perspective of different men fighting to be active fathers.
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  8. T5 E8 - Furry Nation

    17 de novembro de 2018
    42 min
    Lisa Ling explores a unique community of animal super-fans called "furries."
    Subscreva discovery+ ou outros 3 ou comprar


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