American Dad

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  1. T17 EP.1Langley Dollar Listings
    23 de janeiro de 2022
    When the opportunity arises to become a realtor on TV’s hottest reality show “Langley Dollar Listings”, Francine and Roger compete to take the spot. Francine lands the job and is a smashing success as a realtor, but Roger schemes to take her place. Meanwhile, the rest of the family opens a Coffee Shop in their garage.
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  2. T17 EP.2Dressed Down
    30 de janeiro de 2022
    Stan reveals to the family that he’s never felt comfortable in casual clothes and that he only feels confident in suits. To help Stan, Roger revitalizes an old fashion designer persona and creates custom clothes tailored specifically for Stan. Stan finds joy and confidence in his new look, but Roger becomes jealous of all the attention. Meanwhile Hayley and Jeff raise chickens in the backyard.
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  3. T17 EP.3The Book of Fischer
    6 de fevereiro de 2022
    When Stan and Steve take a trip to the barbershop, Stan tries to impress Steve by showing off his conversation skills. However, the trip backfires and Stan reveals that he is terrible at small-talk and his own friends are uncomfortable chatting with him.
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  4. T17 EP.4A Roger Story
    13 de fevereiro de 2022
    Steve and Snot’s friendship is threatened when their moms decide to no longer be friends. As Francine and Mrs. Lonstein’s relationship becomes increasingly hostile they impose rules on the boys, forbidding them from seeing each other. In desperation the boys turn to Roger for help, but Roger is in the midst of his own personal journey to figure out a new persona.
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  5. T17 EP.5Epic Powder Dump
    20 de fevereiro de 2022
    Stan takes the family on a ski trip to the small rustic town where he vacationed as a child. Upon arriving, the family learns that the town is now a bustling tourist attraction that has been taken over by a wild party scene. Stan rejects the modern comforts and decides to ski peacefully in the town dump, while Roger joins the party scene and attempts to get the rest of the family to join him.
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  6. T17 EP.6American Graffito
    27 de fevereiro de 2022
    When Stan learns that his favorite 1950’s themed diner is going out of business, he attempts to save the restaurant by igniting 50’s fever. Meanwhile, Hayley takes advantage of the closing by lobbying to be the manager of the new restaurant that opens in the diner’s place. The conflict envelopes the whole town as father and daughter battle to see which version of the restaurant can succeed.
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  7. T17 EP.7Beyond the Alcove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Klaus
    6 de março de 2022
    Francine hosts a dinner party for all her friends but is frustrated when Klaus becomes the center of attention. Klaus has been working on his people skills and his new personality wins over the crowd, driving Francine deeper into jealousy. When her desperate attempts at gaining attention backfire, Francine asks Klaus to teach her how to become more interesting.
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  8. T17 EP.8A Song of Knives and Fire
    13 de março de 2022
    Francine and the kids are tired of Stan constantly taking out his frustrations on the family, so when Francine wins a raffle to spend a week with the Langley Falls fire department, she gives the winning ticket to Stan. Francine then creates a small fire so Stan has the experience of putting it out, but the fire awakens a dark desire within Francine and she becomes a serial arsonist. Meanwhile...
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  9. T17 EP.9The Curious Case of the Old Hole
    4 de setembro de 2022
    Steve and Snot plan to spend their summer vacation at a secret swimming hole, but they are devastated when they discover the hole has been ransacked and polluted. When the police refuse to take the situation seriously, Steve and Roger become their detective personas “Wheels and the Legman” in order to crack the case. Meanwhile Klaus becomes Principal Lewis’ emotional support animal.
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  10. T17 EP.10Gold Top Nuts
    11 de setembro de 2022
    While returning from vacation, the Smith family’s airplane crashes and they wash up on a deserted island.After taking shelter in an abandoned lighthouse, the family begins to experience strange phenomena. Eventually, they are unable to remember who they are or why they are on the island. Stripped of their memories and identities, they attempt to discover the meaning of their existence.
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  11. T17 EP.11The Three Fs
    18 de setembro de 2022
    Francine spends lonesome days by the backyard pool, trying to get the family to come outside and spend time with her. When a group of lively frogs appears in the neighborhood, Francine becomes friends with the animals and encourages them to move into the pool. But the frogs hold a dark secret and their relationship with Francine becomes predatorial.
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  12. T17 EP.12Smooshed: A Love Story
    25 de setembro de 2022
    Steve and Snot take a school field trip to the city of Philadelphia, where Steve plans to ask out the girl he has a crush on. When the trip chaperone goes missing and the kids are turned loose onto the city, Steve and Snot get lost in Philadelphia chasing the girls of their dreams. Meanwhile, back at home Stan and Francine eagerly awaiting word of Steve’s adventures.
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  13. T17 EP.13The Fast and the Spurious
    2 de outubro de 2022
    The Smith Family is fed up with Roger’s terrible driving and refuse to ride anywhere with him. In an attempt to prove to the family that he is a good driver, Roger launches the family into space, where be pilots the ship. When his bad driving takes the ship into the far reaches of space, Roger must find a way to save the family and prove himself.
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  14. T17 EP.14A League of His Own
    9 de outubro de 2022
    Stan is the leader of the C.I.A. softball team and Steve worships him like a baseball star. Hayley is fed-up with Steve’s hero-worship and wants to prove that her father is a fake. When the siblings go head-to-head to prove which one of them is right, they accidentally reveal one of Stan’s darkest secrets, sending Stan off on a quest to find his true self.
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  15. T17 EP.15You Are Here
    30 de outubro de 2022
    Roger acts as the caretaker for a down and out shopping mall, desperately trying to keep the mall running while stores are dying out. When Steve arrives looking for a summer job, Roger hires him and the two try to find a way to revitalize the mall. As Roger and Steve finally find success in bringing back customers, Steve learns the mall’s terrible secret.
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  16. T17 EP.16I Heard You Wanna Buy Some Speakers
    6 de novembro de 2022
    While Barry’s parents are out of town, Steve and the boys pressure Barry into having a party. When they accidently break Barry’s father’s stereo, Barry and Snot set off on a journey to find new speakers. The journey leads them to a deranged music enthusiast, one of Roger’s personas, who becomes obsessed with Barry. Meanwhile, Stan tries to pull off a back flip.
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  17. T17 EP.17Hayley Was a Girl Scout?
    13 de novembro de 2022
    Stan is arrested for crashing into the C.I.A. flagpole and for community service he is assigned to assist Hayley with her Girl Scout troop. Stan’s plan is to sleep through his service, but when he forms a bond with the girls, he pushes Hayley out and takes the troop over. Meanwhile Steve uses his rich imagination to escape the pressures of daily life.
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  18. T17 EP.18Please Please Jeff
    20 de novembro de 2022
    Jeff’s desire to make others happy and his fear of conflict turns him into a people pleaser with the inability to say no. When Jeff’s inability to set boundaries ruins his wedding anniversary, he sets out to find his heart’s desire and prove his love to Hayley. Meanwhile Stan attends a work costume party dressed as a character no one knows.
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  19. T17 EP.19Jambalaya
    27 de novembro de 2022
    Francine grows a garden and wants to use her vegetables to make restaurant-quality dishes. The garden inspires Roger to remember a recipe for authentic Jambalaya and he attempts to re-create it. Francine tries to help Roger make his dish, but Roger takes his passion too far and opens a jambalaya restaurant in the house. Meanwhile Hayley and Stan stalk their favorite social media influencer.
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  20. T17 EP.20Gernot & Strudel
    4 de dezembro de 2022
    During Klaus’ birthday party, the family learns that Klaus doesn’t know how to share, and this is creating a rift between Klaus and his boys. When the family attempts to teach Klaus how to share, they discover that Klaus learned all his manners through an obscure German kids show.
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  21. T17 EP.21Echoes
    11 de dezembro de 2022
    Steve is torn on a decision for a work-study program that could dictate his path to college, and he eventually settles on working with weatherman Memphis Stormfront at Channel 3 News. While on the job, Steve discovers that Memphis’ forecasts have been performing poorly due to his refusal to use the station’s weather Doppler.
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  22. T17 EP.22The Grounch
    18 de dezembro de 2022
    As the Smith family prepares for Christmas, Roger hits a major depressive rut in which he feels insecure and unsexy. Roger's depression deepens as his annual Christmas party turns into a disaster and all his attempts at flirting fail. Roger retreats to the mountains and swears off sex forever, but when a year a passes and Christmas comes around again.
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English Dialogue Boost: MediumEnglishEnglish Dialogue Boost: High
English [CC]
Twentieth Century Fox Television
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