Alf: The Animated Series
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T1 EP.1 – Phantom Pilot
Watch on supported devices25 de setembro de 198722 minAn unlikely ally helps Gordon defend Melmac when the evil Larson Petty returns to invade the planet.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.2 – Hair Today, Bald Tomorrow
Watch on supported devices2 de outubro de 198722 minAfter Harry uses Gordon's hair to build his nest, Gordon finds himself heading to Madame Pokipsi's shack for a baldness cure, only to insult her and leave while cursed with a "Baldness Touch".Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.3 – Two for the Brig
Watch on supported devices9 de outubro de 198722 minGordon and Sergeant Staff end up going to prison after mistaking their ship for a vacation cruise liner.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.4 – Gordon Ships Out
Watch on supported devices23 de outubro de 198722 minGordon, Rick, and Skip decide to pool their savings for a sailing yacht, but end up marooned on an island thanks to a Pit Termite that Skip names Woody.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.5 – The Birdman of Melmac
Watch on supported devices30 de outubro de 198719 minThe Shumways' pet bird Harry is dubbed a rare Melmacian species, and Harry lets fame go to his head as a result.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.6 – Pismo and the Orbit Gyro
Watch on supported devices6 de novembro de 198722 minThe Orbit Gyro needs its regular maintenance, but it results in its main operator, a robot named Pismo, having a few screws loose.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.7 – 20,000 Years in Driving School
Watch on supported devices13 de novembro de 198722 minAfter getting "Gooped" on the highway, Gordon Shumway has his driver's license revoked and must attend driving school to regain it.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.8 – Pride of the Shumways
Watch on supported devices20 de novembro de 198723 minGordon is the star player for the Orbit Guard Bouillabaisse-ball team, but a blow to the head renders him amnesiac, putting him out of the game and his little brother Curtis in.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.9 – Captain Bobaroo
Watch on supported devices4 de dezembro de 198722 minA bump on the head has Bob Shumway thinking he is a "Captain Kangaroo"-esque TV show host.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.10 – Neep at the Races
Watch on supported devices11 de dezembro de 198722 minWhen Neep runs past a motorcycle gang led by the nefarious Snake, Gordon realizes that Neep has what it takes to compete in dog races. Gordon convinces Snake and his cronies to invest the money for Neep to compete. Neep wins the race, but Gordon, Skip, Rick, and Neep must run away when Gordon crashes into the gang's motorcycles at the the end of the race.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.11 – Salad Wars
Watch on supported devices18 de dezembro de 198724 minThe title of this episode is a parody of the epic film series Star Wars by George Lucas.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.12 – Tough Shrimp Don't Dance
Watch on supported devices1 de janeiro de 198823 minGordon Shumway must rescue an alien shrimp race called the Muklukians from Larson Petty - with some unlikely help from one of their own.Assistir gratuitamenteT1 EP.13 – Home Away from Home
Watch on supported devices15 de janeiro de 198823 minWhen Alf can't get back to the Planet Earth makes due with what he has on the Planet Melmac.Assistir gratuitamente
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- Não disponível
- Tom Patchett
- Paul Fusco
- Don FrancksPaul Fusco
- Shout! Factory
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