
Kratts' Creatures

Brothers Martin and Chris Kratt mix wildlife documentary, creative animation and humorous dialogue to present a program about all kinds of wild creatures. They are assisted at their research center by nature enthusiast Allison, and a wise-cracking, animated cartoon friend named Ttark.
IMDb 8,1199610 episódiosX-RayTV-PG
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  1. T1 EP.1Big Five, Little Five

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode the brothers visit South Africa, in search of the Big Five and the Little Five animals of the Savannah.
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  2. T1 EP.2City Critters

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode the brothers search the city for animals who call urban areas their home.
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  3. T1 EP.3Sharks

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, the brothers take to the waters south of Florida in search of sharks and the other sea creatures that interact with them.
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  4. T1 EP.4Running with the Wild Dogs

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, the brothers track the African Savannah in search of the elusive and disappearing African Wild Dog.
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  5. T1 EP.5In Search of the Tasmanian Tiger

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, the brothers retrace the steps of some fictional explorers in search of a Tasmanian Tiger. As they travel, they encounter many of the country's creatures.
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  6. T1 EP.6The Great Defenders

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, Chris and Martin team up with Allison to examine the way different creatures defend themselves against their predators.
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  7. T1 EP.7Pan Troglodytes: An In-Depth Analysis

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, the brothers go to Africa to investigate chimpanzees.
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  8. T1 EP.8The Great Canadians

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, the brothers travel north to visit the nation of Canada. There, they see creatures including beavers, otters, loons, elk and moose.
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  9. T1 EP.9Rain Forests: Under the Canopy

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, the brothers visit the rainforests of Costa Rica, where they encounter just a few of the many creatures who live there. Some of the animals and insects they look at in depth are tapirs, jaguars, tucans, hummingbirds and 3-toed sloths.
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  10. T1 EP.10Creatures of the Night

    2 de junho de 1996
    28 min
    In this episode, the brothers examine nocturnal creatures, and creatures who do hunting during the night. From Australia, they examine among others, the brush-tailed possum, the Tasmanian devil, the flying fox, the kangaroo, and a number of different kinds of bat.
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