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Splatter Beach

Something ancient lurks in the surf off Sea Bright Beach. It swims silently, can breathe air and walks upright. It's also very, very hungry and not for seafood anymore. Even after townspeople are torn apart and devoured by the humanoid creatures, the partygoers remain oblivious to the horror that has risen up from the sea. Meanwhile, hundreds of buried egg sacks are ready to hatch at any moment...
IMDb 3,51 h 10 min2021
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En savoir plus

Avertissement relatif au contenu
Contient des scènes de nuditécontient des scènes violentesscènes effrayantesconsommation de droguesconsommation d'alcoolcontient du langage grossiercontenu à caractère sexuel
English [CC]
Mark PoloniaJohn Polonia
Rôles principaux
Misty MundaeErika SmithDave Fife
Vision Films
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