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At the Edge of the City

Cult feature-length movie by the talented Lizzani, released the same year of Siegel's Count The Hours a film with which curiously shares noir plot-elements. A middle-class lawyer (Girotti) is not sure whether to accept to be the defendant of a lower-class worker (Jourdan) wrongly accused of a murder and whose position is very compromised (in this case he is accused to have killed his former lover)
IMDb 6,11 h 25 min1952
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En savoir plus

Avertissement relatif au contenu
Contient des scènes violentesconsommation d'alcooltabagismecontient du langage grossiercontenu à caractère sexuel
English [CC]
Carlo LizzaniMassimo Mida
Fernando Croce
Rôles principaux
Massimo GirottiMarina BertiGiulietta Masina
Minerva Pictures - Movietime
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