
Halloween Wars

Cake decorators, sugar artists and pumpkin carving experts battle it out as they create Halloween-themed edible displays. The last team to scare off the competition will take home a $50,000 grand prize.
IMDb 7.620144 episodX-RayTV-G
Langgani discovery+ atau 2 lain atau beli

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  1. M4 E1 - The Haunted Farm

    4 Oktober 2014
    Five teams made up of an expert pumpkin carver, cake decorator and sugar artist go to battle to create mind-blowing Halloween themed displays that capture a terrifying haunted farm. At battle's end, one team will be eliminated.
    Langgani discovery+ atau 2 lain atau beli
  2. M4 E2 - Don't Go Into The Forest

    11 Oktober 2014
    The four remaining teams go to battle creating mind-blowing Halloween themed displays that evoke the dire warning: whatever you do, don't go into the forest.
    Langgani discovery+ atau 2 lain atau beli
  3. M4 E3 - Mummies vs. Werewolves

    18 Oktober 2014
    Three remaining teams go to battle to create a Halloween display capturing an epic battle between mummies and werewolves.
    Langgani discovery+ atau 2 lain atau beli
  4. M4 E4 - Haunted Carnival

    25 Oktober 2014
    In the final battle in Halloween Wars, two teams made up of a pumpkin carver, cake decorator and sugar artist battle to create a terrifying display that captures the twisted, demonic world of a haunted carnival.
    Langgani discovery+ atau 2 lain atau beli