シーズン12エピソード1 - The Amazing Aito/The Haka
2022年1月25日25分In Polynesia, Andy goes looking for a legendary, reclusive Tahitian juggler to perform at the Circo. Then, the normally shy Leo must tap into his inner Maori warrior to perform a welcome ceremony for a Maori chief.PBS KIDSの無料体験または購入シーズン12エピソード2 - Save that Pinata/Forever Folklorico
2022年1月26日25分In Mexico, Andy creates a piñata out of papier-mâché. Not understanding what piñatas are for, he refuses to let anyone break it open! Then, Carmen needs concert tickets to her favorite modern Mexican girl band, but first she needs to attend a folklorico dance lesson.PBS KIDSの無料体験または購入シーズン12エピソード3 - The Ghost Piper of Edinburgh Castle/Make 'Em Laugh
2022年1月27日25分In Edinburgh, Scotland, Carmen wants to learn about the bagpipes and seeks out a spooky piper in a haunted castle. Then, Wolfgang Chockers decides to debut his comedy act at Edinburgh’s Fringe Festival. Leo, afraid his dad will bomb, decides he must stop the performance at all cost!PBS KIDSの無料体験または購入シーズン12エピソード4 - Dragon Dance/Son of the Dragon King
2022年2月1日25分In Beijing, China, Andy believes that when it comes to the Chinese dragon dance, the longer the dragon, the better the luck, so he wants to make the longest dragon ever. Then, Wrinkles feels unappreciated. Leo tries to help by teaching him about Bixi, the legendary Son of the Dragon King.PBS KIDSの無料体験または購入