Hell's Kitchen (U.S.)
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S16 E1 - When the Wall Comes Tumbling Down
Watch on supported devices23 settembre 201641minThe chefs prepare their signature dishes and compete in the first team challenge.Guarda gratisS16 E2 - Crepe Grand Prix
Watch on supported devices30 settembre 201641minThe teams compete in the first "Hell's Kitchen" Grand Prix crepe-making challenge.Guarda gratisS16 E3 - The Yolks on Them
Watch on supported devices7 ottobre 201642minThe teams are challenged to cook eight ostrich dishes, using the most popular ostrich meats, in forty minutes.Guarda gratisS16 E4 - Surf Riding & Turf Fighting
Watch on supported devices14 ottobre 201642minThe chefs have to team up for a surf and turf protein relay.Guarda gratisS16 E5 - Walking the Plank
Watch on supported devices21 ottobre 201641minAfter a shocking elimination, both teams must regroup and chart a new course.Guarda gratisS16 E6 - Let the Catfights Begin
Watch on supported devices4 novembre 201642minThe remaining chefs use cookbooks from Gordon's library to spell out the ingredients they want to use for their next challenge.Guarda gratisS16 E7 - Don't Tell My Fiance
Watch on supported devices11 novembre 201642minThe chefs have forty minutes to create their own interpretations of six southern dishes.Guarda gratisS16 E8 - Dancing with the Chefs
Watch on supported devices18 novembre 201642minChef Ramsay informs the teams that Hell's Kitchen will be hosting the International Ballroom Invitational and that they will prepare a special menu for the event.Guarda gratisS16 E9 - Spoon Fed
Watch on supported devices9 dicembre 201641minThe remaining chefs prepare for their next challenge: a blind taste test during which each team must determine the taste of pureed baby foods.Guarda gratisS16 E10 - Dancing in the Grotto
Watch on supported devices16 dicembre 201642minThe chefs are challenged to make sliders for three burger aficionados.Guarda gratisS16 E11 - Aerial Maneuvers
Watch on supported devices5 gennaio 201741minThe chefs pair up for a taste challenge in which the winners receive Vitamix blenders and a special trapeze lesson on the Santa Monica Pier.Guarda gratisS16 E12 - Fusion Confusion
Watch on supported devices5 gennaio 201741minThe chefs pair up for a challenge in which they must combine two countries' flavors to impress the guest judge, Roy Yamaguchi.Guarda gratisS16 E13 - Black Jacket Lounge
Watch on supported devices12 gennaio 201740minChef Ramsay shakes things up and introduces a series of three challenges that will determine the recipients of black jackets.Guarda gratisS16 E14 - Playing Your Cards Right
Watch on supported devices19 gennaio 201741minThe remaining chefs are challenged to create their dishes with only six ingredients.Guarda gratisS16 E15 - Tequila Shots?
Watch on supported devices26 gennaio 201741minAfter two chefs are eliminated, the remaining chefs must create a unique dining experience for a large group of well-known chefs that include guest judges Bruce Kalman, Steve Samson, Mette Williams and Alessio Biagini.Guarda gratisS16 E16 - Leaving it on the Line
Watch on supported devices2 febbraio 201741minThe final two chefs prepare for their final service.Guarda gratis
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- Uso di alcol scene con fumatori linguaggio volgare contenuto sessuale
- Non disponibili
- Gordon Ramsay
- FilmRise
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