Big Brother
IMDb 5,6201739 episodiX-Ray
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S19 E1 - Episode 1
27 giugno 20171 h 27 minA whole new group of strangers moves into the Big Brother house and begins the battle for $500,000.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E2 - Episode 2
28 giugno 201743minThe game kicks into gear when the first HoH is crowned; and with nominations looming, tensions hit a boiling point.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E3 - Episode 3
1 luglio 201744minTonight, the Den Of Temptation opens...who did America choose to tempt?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E4 - Episode 4
4 luglio 201744minWill the Power of Veto save either Alex or Jillian, or will Cody set his sights on a new target?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E5 - Episode 5
5 luglio 201744minTonight, the house explodes in the wake of the Veto meeting.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E6 - Episode 6
8 luglio 201746minWith the sweet power up for grabs, who will claim the HoH?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E7 - Episode 7
11 luglio 201744minWho will win the Power of Veto and will it be used to save Alex, Josh or Ramses from eviction?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E8 - Episode 8
12 luglio 201744minAlliances clash after a Veto competition is too close for comfort, another houseguest is evicted, and the power of HoH goes back up for grabs.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E9 - Episode 9
15 luglio 201745minFind out who emerges victorious in the latest HoH competition and which houseguests will be targeted for eviction.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E10 - Episode 10
18 luglio 201744minPower of Veto on the line, will Jessica or Dominique secure safety? Plus another night, another fight.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E11 - Episode 11
19 luglio 201743minJessica and Dominique are on the block, but the Halting Hex could change everything.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E12 - Episode 12
20 luglio 201744minFour evicted houseguests battle each other for a chance to get back into the game, but for the first time ever they must also win an epic showdown against someone in the house.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E13 - Episode 13
22 luglio 201745minHow will the house react when Cody returns? Plus, who will rise to power as the new HoH and which two houseguests will be nominated for eviction?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E14 - Episode 14
25 luglio 201744minWill the PoV be used to save Ramses or Josh? Plus, is another blindside brewing?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E15 - Episode 15
26 luglio 201743minPaul plots to blindside Ramses, but Jessica wants Josh voted out. One will be evicted and a new HoH will be crowned.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E16 - Episode 16
29 luglio 201744minHow will Jessica's reveal of her temptation rock the house? Plus, which houseguest will Paul target for eviction?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E17 - Episode 17
1 agosto 201744minThe PoV is on the line. Plus, the threat of the hex causes tempers to flare.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E18 - Episode 18
2 agosto 201743minPaul is poised to evict his biggest targets, but a hex could wipe out his entire game.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E19 - Episode 19
5 agosto 201745minTonight, with Josh in power anything can happen, who will he nominate for eviction?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E20 - Episode 20
8 agosto 201744minWill the PoV save Jessica, Mark, or Elena? Plus, what brings Cody to tears?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E21 - Episode 21
9 agosto 201744minOne showmance will become a "no-mance" when either Elena, Jessica, or Raven is evicted.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E22 - Episode 22
12 agosto 201744minDouble-eviction week begins and the stakes of the game are higher than ever before.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E23 - Episode 23
15 agosto 201744minWill Cody get a chance to fight for his life in the Power of Veto? Plus, who will make a critical mistake and land in Alex's crosshairs.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E24 - Episode 24
16 agosto 201743minThe house is about to see double because it's finally here, the live double eviction. Going once! Going twice! Who will be gone?Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquistoS19 E25 - Episode 25
17 agosto 201744minIt's an extra day of cray-cray as former Big Brother winner Derrick makes a surprise appearance.Periodo d’uso gratuito di Paramount+ o acquisto
Maggiori informazioni
Avviso sui contenuti
- Linguaggio volgare
- Non disponibili
- Mark W. RodenQuinn SaundersAnthony GonzalesPhilip AbatecolaBrian SmithDanny RoewTerry DonohueAdam Christian ClarkSabrina MansfieldIan Kenney
- Clayton HalseyJulie Chen MoonvesPhil ProctorNicole FranzelGeorge BoswellDaniele DonatoJanelle PierzinaPaul AbrahamianCody CalafioreJames Huling
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