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Out of Stock: Supply Chain Crisis

Stagione 1
Manufacturing supply chains create a vital distribution web that links producers and consumers across the planet, but as a result of the COVID pandemic, these critical shipping connections now face catastrophic disruptions sparking a global crisis.
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  1. S 1 E 1 - Manufacturing Mayhem
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  2. S 1 E 2 - Panic at the Supermarket
    16 gennaio 2022
    The food supply chain is a complex and vital web that links producers, distributors and consumers, but as a result of the COVID pandemic, vital shipping connections have been disrupted causing catastrophic food shortages for the first time in generations.
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  3. S 1 E 3 - Fuel of Global Disaster
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Lingue audio
English [CC]
David KerleyShefali KapadiaShini SomaraGuy WaltersGlenn SteinbaumGeorge Fowler
Discovery Channel
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