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Miss Scarlet

La stagione 1 non sarà più disponibile su Prime fra 6 giorni
After Eliza Scarlet's father dies of a heart attack, she takes over his private detective business, against the wishes of everyone around her, including family friend Inspector Wellington. Does Eliza have what it takes to be a detective?
IMDb 7,720216 episodiX-Ray16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Inheritance
    16 gennaio 2021
    After Eliza Scarlet's father dies, she takes over his detective agency, against the wishes of everyone around her, including Inspector Wellington (aka the Duke). Can she prove to herself that she has got what it takes to be a detective?
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  2. S1 E2 - The Woman in Red
    23 gennaio 2021
    As London's only female detective, Eliza is struggling to get work. Desperate for money, she takes a seemingly impossible case; proving the innocence of a man who has pleaded guilty to murder.
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  3. S1 E3 - Deeds Not Words
    30 gennaio 2021
    Eliza is hired by Duke to infiltrate one potentially disruptive group. Eliza is delighted in his faith in her abilities. She is less delighted when she learns she will be spying on a women's suffrage group campaigning for the vote.
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  4. S1 E4 - Memento Mori
    6 febbraio 2021
    When a ‘Death Photographer’ receives threatening messages from beyond the grave, Eliza must also reflect on her own late father.
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  5. S1 E5 - Cell 99
    13 febbraio 2021
    The final entry in Henry Scarlet's casebook takes Eliza to an abandoned prison on the outskirts of London. She and Duke investigate what seems like an empty building, but they soon discover that it is the hideout for a criminal gang.
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  6. S1 E6 - The Case of Henry Scarlet
    20 febbraio 2021
    Eliza is determined to discover who murdered her father and why. Moses is the prime suspect, but the real murderer may be someone who has been under Duke's nose the entire time.
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