Trial & Retribution
Candidatura a 2 BAFTA TV AWARD®
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S9 E1 - The Lovers: Volume IX, Episode 1
6 novembre 20051 h 8 minA young couple, deeply in love, are on their honeymoon in London. While out shopping in Covent Garden market, the husband disappears. The distraught young bride walks the streets ceaselessly, looking for her husband. Frustrated by what she believes to be a lack of commitment on the part of the police, she puts up posters offering high cash rewards for any information.Disponibile per l’acquistoS9 E2 - The Lovers: Volume IX, Episode 2
7 novembre 20051 h 8 minA man contacts the young woman, convincing her to meet him by telling her that he can take her to her husband. Only then, after a frantic race against time, do the police uncover the full horror of what has taken place. The man is arrested for a string of horrific crimes. But his defense claim he is suffering from schizophrenia and so begins a highly-charged courtroom battle to determine whether this killer is "mad or bad".Disponibile per l’acquisto
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Avviso sui contenuti
- Violenza uso di stupefacenti uso di alcol scene con fumatori linguaggio volgare contenuto sessuale
- Non disponibili
- Tristram Powell
- Liz Thorburn
- Acorn Media
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