Pawn Stars

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  1. S4 E1 - Evel Genius

    3 aprile 2011
    Batter up with the Pawn Stars when an autographed photo of Babe Ruth slides into the shop. Will Rick go into extra innings for this rare piece of baseball memorabilia or will a tough negotiation cause him to swing and miss? Then, the guys take a peek at a collection of 400 antique prosthetic glass eyeballs.
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  2. S4 E2 - Pablo Pawncasso

    3 aprile 2011
    Get revved up with the Pawn Stars as they check out a rare REO Flying Cloud hot rod from the 1930's. Will Rick muster the strength to crank up an offer for this classic ride or will the deal take a detour and sputter out? Then, Rick and Corey are presented with a well-known Picasso etching called "Poor Roby."
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  3. S4 E3 - Sub For Sale

    10 aprile 2011
    The Pawn Stars prepare for battle when a one-man submarine surfaces at the shop. Will the guys journey deep down into their pockets for this nautical treasure.
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  4. S4 E4 - Missile Attack

    10 aprile 2011
    The Pawn Stars take evasive action when a Cold War era heat-seeking missile guidance system locks onto the shop. Will the guys engage and try to blast this deal out of the sky or is this former military secret still too hot to handle? Then, Corey and Chumlee check out a 1986 Buick Regal.
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  5. S4 E5 - Not On My Watch

    17 aprile 2011
    The Pawn Stars become a house divided when a Confederate Civil War knife marches into the shop. Known as an "Arkansas Toothpick," will the guys sharpen their tactics to take a stab at this rare piece or will a tough negotiation leave them licking their wounds? Then, Rick and Chumlee are presented with a 1936 Rolex formerly owned by infamous con man Bernie Madoff.
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  6. S4 E6 - Take a Seat

    17 aprile 2011
    Take a seat with the Pawn Stars as a chair from the U.S. Senate floor rolls through their doors. Will a motion to buy this chair result in a resounding "Yay" or will the Old Man veto the deal?
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  7. S4 E7 - Pom Pom Pawn

    24 aprile 2011
    The Pawn Stars prepare to be boarded when a customer brings in a 1600's naval blunderbuss. A small weapon thought to be for a child, will this pint-size gun bring an adult-size price or will this deal end up shooting blanks?
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  8. S4 E8 - Patton Pending

    25 aprile 2011
    The Pawn Stars snap to attention as they check out a photo album signed by one of history's greatest military leaders--General George S. Patton. Containing pictures labeled as "classified," can the gang make a strategic advance for these images from World War II or will they be out-maneuvered and forced to retreat?
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  9. S4 E9 - Spidey Cents

    1 maggio 2011
    The Pawn Stars call Houston with a problem when they are presented with a piece of the heat shield from NASA's most heroic flight--Apollo 13.
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  10. S4 E10 - Necessary Roughness

    1 maggio 2011
    The Pawn Stars prepare for battle when a collection of secret plans from the WWII D-Day invasion marches into the shop. Will the guys storm the beach for these former top-secret wartime documents or will a ferocious negotiation force them to retreat? Then, Corey and Chumlee are presented with the head of a rare 1970's toy called Stretch Serpent.
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  11. S4 E11 - Peacemaker

    8 maggio 2011
    The Pawn Stars reach for the sky when an 1890's Colt .45 "peacemaker" rides into the shop. Considered the ultimate cowboy gun, will the guys square off and draw quickly for this collectible classic or will a lack of firepower have them running for cover? Then, Rick meets a man hoping to sell his photos of a Japanese Zero shot down during World War II--in Alaska!
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  12. S4 E12 - The Great Escape

    8 maggio 2011
    The Pawn Stars take the stage when a Harry Houdini straitjacket magically appears in the shop.
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  13. S4 E13 - Broadsiding Lincoln

    29 maggio 2011
    The hunt is on when the Pawn Stars are presented with one of the most sought after items in American history, a John Wilkes Booth Wanted Poster. Will this priceless piece give them the slip or is Rick determined to bring it in dead or alive?
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  14. S4 E14 - Sharpe Shooters

    31 maggio 2011
    The Pawn Stars hit the road to check out the forefather of modern machine guns, a Gatling Gun. Introduced during the Civil War, will Rick use all his firepower to secure a deal or will he be outgunned?
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  15. S4 E15 - Late Night Chum

    5 giugno 2011
    The Pawn Stars mount up and charge the front lines when a Civil War cavalry jacket advances on the shop. Found among costumes donated to a school theater program, will this rare garment get the leading role or will it get booed off the stage?
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  16. S4 E16 - Buy The Book

    5 giugno 2011
    Go cruising with the Pawn Stars as they check out a classic 1932 Lincoln roadster. Exceptionally maintained, will Rick and the Old Man strike gold and ride off in this vintage beauty or is the seller not firing on all cylinders?
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  17. S4 E17 - Over the Top

    12 giugno 2011
    Run for cover with the Pawn Stars when a World War I helmet blasts into the shop. The first metal helmet used by U.S. forces, will the guys butt heads to buy this piece or will they dig in for a long negotiation? Then, Corey and Rick are presented with a gun holster used on the long running TV show Gunsmoke.
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  18. S4 E18 - Honor Thy Father

    12 giugno 2011
    The Pawn Stars declare their independence when a document signed by John Hancock comes into the shop. Will this famous Founding Father's signature be from the real thing or will they find it's not worth the paper it's written on? Then, a guy strums by with a 1934 Rickenbacher "frying pan" guitar.
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  19. S4 E19 - The Pick, The Pawn & The Polish

    10 luglio 2011
    Come party with the Pawn Stars as they prepare the ultimate gift for the Old Man's 70th birthday, a fully rebuilt 1957 Chevy 150. With the restoration coming down to the wire, can Rick keep this gigantic present on track.
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  20. S4 E20 - Making Cents

    17 luglio 2011
    The Pawn Stars consider sending a search party out for Chumlee when he takes off to look at a 1950's Bally's coin operated kiddie ride.
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  21. S4 E21 - Kings and McQueens

    17 luglio 2011
    The Pawn Stars are blown away when a seller limps in with a 19th century shotgun disguised as a cane. Will Rick take a shot at buying this legendary concealed firearm or will his offer miss the mark?
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  22. S4 E22 - Face The Music

    24 luglio 2011
    The Pawn Stars seek counsel when the business card of the infamous Old Western outlaw turned-lawyer John Wesley Hardin moseys into the shop. Will the guys afford the ransom or will this deal meet its end at high noon? Then, Chumlee has a chance to buy a pristine Gibson mandolin.
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  23. S4 E23 - Off The Wall

    24 luglio 2011
    The Pawn Stars prepare to charge when a man brings in a Civil War musket once carried by an ancestor wounded in battle.
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  24. S4 E24 - Buffalo Bill

    31 luglio 2011
    The Pawn Stars hope to win by a landslide when President Ronald Reagan's high school yearbook comes into the shop. Complete with a signed letter from The Gipper.
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  25. S4 E25 - Cannons and Klingons

    31 luglio 2011
    The Pawn Stars fire off to the shooting range to check out an antique signal cannon from the 1980's TV series Magnum P.I. Then, the guys feel the heat when a lighter and photos from a top-secret 1950's atomic bomb testing program come into the shop. And later, a guy beams by the shop with a carload of is signed Star Trek memorabilia.
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Jairus CobbShannon Biggs


Rick HarrisonCorey HarrisonAustin 'Chumlee' RussellRichard HarrisonSteve GradMark Hall PattonAntwaun AustinRebecca RomneyBrett K. MalyDavid Vagi


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