
999: Critical Condition

Back for a second run, the acclaimed, ground breaking medical series once again follows the work of the team saving lives with split second decisions. Embedded in one of the UK's best trauma centres, Critical Condition follows the cases that matter most - the cases where someone's life is on the line. It's a world where every second matters.
20128 episodiTV-14
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  1. S2 E1 - Every second counts from the moment they come in

    31 dicembre 2011
    Time is a precious commodity when you are critically ill. For all the patients in this episode, the speed of the decisions are vital. Daniel's life hangs in the balance after a one punch attack in the street leaves him with a potentially devasting brain injury. Time is critical too for Michael, who has just been admitted having a cardiac arrest. The staff have just minutes to save his life.
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama
  2. S2 E2 - For every rule there are exceptions

    31 dicembre 2011
    In this episode Royal Stoke's doctors face exceptionally challenging cases: Joanna, a mother-of-one suffers a ruptured brain aneurism leaving Dr Nayak just minutes to attempt to stop the bleeding. Meanwhile, a 17-year-old girl is critically injured in a car crash - her parents race to her side while trauma team leader Dr Hall works to identify her injuries and get her to emergency surgery.
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama
  3. S2 E3 - There's always an element of uncertainty

    31 dicembre 2011
    In this episode Doctor Julie Norton battles to save two patients whose lives hang in the balance. Ian, a father-of-four, is rushed in after suffering a cardiac arrest. The worry is that he has suffered lasting brain damage when his heart stopped. Next a man arrives bleeding so heavily that he risks losing his entire circulatory system. Unless Julie and the team take immediate action, he could die.
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama
  4. S2 E4 - When you're that close to death, every second counts

    31 dicembre 2011
    Ann-Marie Morris and her team battle to resuscitate Lesley and start to investigate why her heart stopped out of the blue. Meanwhile Christine has been hit by a motorbike while crossing the road and has a large open wound on her lower leg. An elderly lady, can the doctors risk an op to save her leg?
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama
  5. S2 E5 - It's a whole world of unknown

    31 dicembre 2011
    In this episode, Will is rushed in after being stabbed multiple times by several assailants. He is clearly in pain and the injuries could be life-threating. Meanwhile, Fiona, a 38 year old mother, has had a severe stroke. She is paralysed down one side and can't speak. Flown to the hospital via helicopter, Dr Nayak must attempt to remove the clot inside her brain.
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama
  6. S2 E6 - Totally out of the blue

    31 dicembre 2011
    Doctors deal with patients who suddenly become critically unwell. Samantha is enjoying a trip to an adventure park with her family when she collapses, unable to move or talk. Meanwhile Huw is driving when he feels the symptoms of a heart attack. The specialist cardiac team discovers he has a large clot in one of his arteries that needs an emergency procedure in order to save his life.
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama
  7. S2 E7 - On a knife edge

    31 dicembre 2011
    In this episode the clock is ticking as doctors have seconds to make the right choices for their patients. Helen has a life-threatening aneurism in her brain which could burst at any moment. After a devastating fall at home, Melanie has lost almost half her body's blood from a huge head wound and blood is draining from her vital organs. Staff are in a race against time to save her.
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama
  8. S2 E8 - It really makes you stop and think

    31 dicembre 2011
    In this episode, 28-year-old. Katrina is hit by a car while crossing the road. Her legs are badly broken, but Trauma Team Leader Richard Fawcett is worried that she might also be suffering from other internal injuries and that her life is at risk. Michael is only 42 but having his second heart attack in two weeks and time is crucial to avoid any further damage to his heart.
    Iscriviti a Cineverse o Docurama


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