Oprah, Courtney B. Vance & Dr. Robin
discovery+ లేదా 2 ఇతర వాటికి సబ్స్క్రైబ్ చేసుకోండి
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సీ1 ఎపి1 - Courtney B. Vance & Dr. Robin
11 నవంబర్, 202342నిమిOprah speaks with Courtney B. Vance and Dr. Robin Smith, who co-authored the book, "The Invisible Ache: Black Men Identifying Their Pain and Reclaiming their Power." Courtney reveals how his father and godson died by suicide and how that shaped his life.discovery+ లేదా 2 ఇతర వాటికి సబ్స్క్రైబ్ చేసుకోండి
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