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Friday Night Dinner

The Goodman family return for more Friday Night Dinner. In this season, Jonny gets serious with a 'female', while also sustaining an injury after Adam butters the kitchen floor. Elsewhere Mum is forced to pretend that her mother has died, Dad invites a friend over who talks with his eyes closed and 'Horrible Grandma' returns.
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  1. S4 F1The Two Tonys
    22. Juli 2016
    24 Min.
    Dad's old friend from university, Tony, has been invited round. Dad used to live with Tony along with another lad also called Tony - who used to tell terrible jokes and talk with his eyes closed the whole time. Dad hated this Tony. But when a bad-joke-telling, shutty-eyed man appears at the front door, Dad almost has a heart attack: he's inadvertently invited the wrong Tony over.
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  2. S4 F2The Carpet Cleaner
    29. Juli 2016
    24 Min.
    Dad is in an excited mood. Today is his annual 'oiling of the hinges' in which he oils all the hinges in the house. But dad's mood soon changes when he spills black oil all over mum's precious carpet. Now dad has to find someone to clean the carpet without mum seeing.
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  3. S4 F3Congratulations
    5. August 2016
    22 Min.
    Adam's arrives home to a 'Congratulations' banner hanging in the hallway, and a super excited mum and dad. They're celebrating Adam's first award - for writing the music to a commercial. But Adam's celebration soon turns sour when Jonny turns up with an American girl he met in Las Vegas.
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  4. S4 F4The Pyjamas
    12. August 2016
    21 Min.
    Adam's been staying at mum and dad's for a week while he recovers from a bout of tonsillitis. However, with mum fussing over him the whole time, he's clearly regressed to a little boy again. He's even started calling mum, 'mummy'.
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  5. S4 F5The Funeral
    19. August 2016
    23 Min.
    Today is Uncle Saul's funeral. Dressed in black, the boys come home to be welcomed by Dad's mother, Grandma Goodman, aka Horrible Grandma. The boys hate Horrible Grandma. In fact the whole family hate Horrible Grandma. Mum is in a particularly bad mood with Grandma, as mum's glass cabinet is lying on the floor, all smashed to pieces. Mum suspects Grandma pushed it over.
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  6. S4 F6For Sale
    26. August 2016
    22 Min.
    The boys arrive home to find a 'For Sale' sign in front of the house. They enter to find mum showing a couple round the house. Mum promises them they are not selling, they're 'just seeing'. The boys aren't convinced.
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GewaltAlkoholkonsumSchimpfwörtersexuelle Inhalte
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James CrestaniJessica Smith
Robert PopperKenton AllenCaroline LeddyMatthew Justice
Tamsin GreigSimon BirdPaul Ritter
BBC Studios
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