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S. 1 ÉP. 1 - Damo Episode 1
27 juillet 20031 h 3 minChae Ok helps solve the mystery of the Director's daughter but is scolded by her superior Yoon for being rash.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 2 - Damo Episode 2
28 juillet 20031 h 4 minYoon and Won Hae mistake Sung Bak as the culprit and attack him, but Chae Ok resolves the situation.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 3 - Damo Episode 3
3 août 20031 h 2 minChae Ok and Won Hae attend the funeral of an undercover agent and find clues that point to Sam Gae.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 4 - Damo Episode 4
4 août 20031 hChae Ok finds the forgers and the culprits, but Yoon gets mad at her for being too reckless.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 5 - Damo Episode 5
10 août 200360 minGak Chool and Chuk Ji escape from prison and meet up with Chae Ok when Yoon starts to fire on them.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 6 - Damo Episode 6
11 août 20031 h 1 minWon Hae waits for Chae Ok at a tavern on a hill, but when communication falls silent, they get worried.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 7 - Damo Episode 7
17 août 200359 minSung Bak saves Chae Ok from being killed, but she faints from blood loss. Nan Hee helps Yoon recover.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 8 - Damo Episode 8
18 août 20031 hSung Bak asks Chae Ok to join him and explains how he works for the people, hoping to build a new world.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 9 - Damo Episode 9
24 août 20031 h 3 minChae Ok breaks into the Royal Palace to meet the King but is severely injured by the King's guards.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 10 - Damo Episode 10
25 août 20031 h 2 minYoon runs off to save Chae Ok, but only Nan Hee's pleas can save him. He is ordered to marry Nan Hee.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 11 - Damo Episode 11
31 août 20031 hChae Ok and Chuk Ji go undercover and wait for Sung Bak. Sung Bak goes to meet Chae Ok upon hearing the news.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 12 - Damo Episode 12
1 septembre 20031 h 3 minWon Hae tries to get Yoon to stop looking for Chae Ok and Sung Bak in person, but Yoon persists.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 13 - Damo Episode 13
7 septembre 20031 h 9 minSung Bak is saved by his men when Chae Ok is taken hostage on purpose, and he tries to leave the mountain.Essai gratuit de KOCOWAS. 1 ÉP. 14 - Damo Episode 14
8 septembre 20031 h 6 minSung Bak and his army pick the day the Royal Palace will be celebrating the new princess to revolt.Essai gratuit de KOCOWA
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Avertissement relatif au contenu
- Lumières clignotantes
- Indisponible
- Lee Jae Gyu
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