Chain Gang Girls
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S1 F1 – Episode 1 (The Crew)
30. Juni 20081 Std. 25 Min.We'll meet the latest ladies on the line-up, the detention officers who try to keep them in line, and the man behind it all, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who calls himself the "Toughest Sheriff in America." Chain Gang Girls will reveal how these women got where they are and bear witness to their month-long shackled rotation.Dieser Titel ist aufgrund abgelaufener Rechte nicht verfügbarS1 F2 – Episode 2 (No Rest for the Wicked)
30. Juni 200850 Min.Chain Leader, Kylie Marks, kicks marching practice into high gear, but their time is limited; the women must spend the majority of the Thanksgiving break trapped in their tiny cells. It’s rough justice, and not everyone’s idea of fair punishment.Dieser Titel ist aufgrund abgelaufener Rechte nicht verfügbar
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