Peacemaker [OV]
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S1 F1 – Verrückte neue Welt
12. Januar 202247 Min.Der auf wundersame Weise genesene Peacemaker kehrt nach Hause zurück und muss feststellen, dass er einer neuen Task Force zugeteilt wurde. Nach dem ersten Treffen mit seinem wenig begeisterten Team und dem ersten Auftrag stattet Peacemaker seinem stählernen Vater Auggie einen Besuch ab, um seinen treuen Begleiter Eagly zu holen.Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufenS1 F2 – Ziemlich beste Feinde
12. Januar 202241 Min.Nachdem es für Peacemaker katastrophal verläuft eine Metahuman-Frau abzuschleppen, eilt sein Team zur Rettung, während die Detectives Sophe Song und Larry „Fitz" Fitzgibbon ihm auf die Spur kommen. Später, als die Anspannung und das Misstrauen innerhalb des Teams zunehmen, werden die Detectives in eine wilde Verfolgungsjagd verwickelt, und Peacemaker erhält überraschenden Besuch.Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufenS1 F3 – Schmetterlinge im Kopf
12. Januar 202240 Min.Das Team begibt sich auf seine erste Mission: die Tötung von Senator Goff und seiner Familie, die im Verdacht stehen, „Schmetterlinge" zu sein. Während der Observation versuchen Economos und Murn verlegen, sich ihre Gefühle mitzuteilen, während Peacemaker und Harcourt zu einer Einigung gelangen. Doch mit dem Eintreffen von Goffs Leibwächter, dem kleinen, aber tödlichen Judomaster, gerät der Auf...Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufenS1 F4 – Ein Dödel für alle Fälle
19. Januar 202247 Min.Nach einer halbwegs erfolgreichen Mission rekrutiert Murn Vigilante, der alles daran setzt, seine Loyalität zu beweisen. Unterdessen hadert Peacemaker mit der Rolle, die das Team dabei gespielt hat, als sein Vater im Gefängnis landete... bevor er sich einem epischen Revanchekampf mit Judomaster stellt.Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufenS1 F5 – Monkey Dory
26. Januar 202243 Min.Adebayos Zufallsfund führt das Team zur Glan Tai Bottling Company, einem Umschlagplatz für die Nahrungsmittellieferungen der Außerirdischen - und der perfekte Ort, um eine richtige Invasion zu erleben. Unterdessen wendet sich Auggie an die Detectives Song und Fitz, aber sein Fall wird durch die Ankunft von Murns mysteriösem Kontaktmann Caspar Locke verkompliziert.Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufenS1 F6 – Murn After Reading
2. Februar 202247 Min.Nach Adebayos Zufallsfund offenbart Murn sein größtes Geheimnis, das so schwer wiegt, dass es um jeden Preis vor Waller geheim gehalten werden muss. Da Auggie frei ist, richtet die Polizei ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf Peacemaker - doch die missglückte Verhaftung führt dazu, dass der Alien Goff einen unwahrscheinlichen (und bedauernswerten) neuen Wirt bekommt.Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufenS1 F7 – Stop Dragon My Heart Around
9. Februar 202239 Min.Nachdem sie sich auf den Weg gemacht haben, um die Kuh zu töten, müssen Peacemaker, Vigilante und ein widerwilliger Economos gegen einen rachsüchtigen White Dragon und seine White Hoods antreten. Unterdessen werden Harcourt und Murn, als sie Adebayo wegen ihres kürzlich begangenen Verrats zur Rede stellen, von einem ganzen Bataillon von Schmetterlingspolizisten umzingelt.Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufenS1 F8 – It's Cow or Never
16. Februar 202245 Min.Peacemaker und Adebayo ringen darum, ihre Meinungsverschiedenheiten beizulegen, während das Team einen ausgeklügelten Angriff plant. Eagly spielt dabei eine wichtige Rolle. Das Team muss sich der Schmetterlingsinvasion stellen, um die Kuh ein für alle Mal zu vernichten - oder es riskiert, dass die Aliens sie für immer teleportieren.Gratiszeitraum für Max, oder Titel kaufen
Peacemaker: Trailer
John Cena stars in this superhero origin series.
John Cena stars in this superhero origin series.
John Cena stars in this superhero origin series.
Picking up where 2021’s The Suicide Squad left off, this action-packed series finds Peacemaker returning home after a miraculous recovery from his encounter with Bloodsport - only to discover that his freedom comes at a price.
Picking up where 2021’s The Suicide Squad left off, this action-packed series finds Peacemaker returning home after a miraculous recovery from his encounter with Bloodsport - only to discover that his freedom comes at a price.
Picking up where 2021’s The Suicide Squad left off, this action-packed series finds Peacemaker returning home after a miraculous recovery from his encounter with Bloodsport - only to discover that his freedom comes at a price.
Peacemaker: What Do You Really Think of Peacemaker
Behind the scenes of the HBO Max series Peacemaker.
Behind the scenes of the HBO Max series Peacemaker.
Behind the scenes of the HBO Max series Peacemaker.
Peacemaker: S1 E5 Outtake — What About Ariana Grande
A behind-the-scenes look at an outtake from S1 E5 of Peacemaker.
A behind-the-scenes look at an outtake from S1 E5 of Peacemaker.
A behind-the-scenes look at an outtake from S1 E5 of Peacemaker.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 1 with James Gunn
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova kick things off with a bang as they dive into the wild, hilarious, badass thrill ride that is the first episode of Peacemaker. They recap the biggest moments you don’t want to forget, ruminate on the best way to release some post-prison stress, and chat with series creator, writer, director, and executive producer James Gunn.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova kick things off with a bang as they dive into the wild, hilarious, badass thrill ride that is the first episode of Peacemaker. They recap the biggest moments you don’t want to forget, ruminate on the best way to release some post-prison stress, and chat with series creator, writer, director, and executive producer James Gunn.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova kick things off with a bang as they dive into the wild, hilarious, badass thrill ride that is the first episode of Peacemaker. They recap the biggest moments you don’t want to forget, ruminate on the best way to release some post-prison stress, and chat with series creator, writer, director, and executive producer James Gunn.
DC Fandome 2021: Peacemaker
John Cena, James Gunn and the cast introduce the world to the HBO Max exclusive series, Peacemaker.
John Cena, James Gunn and the cast introduce the world to the HBO Max exclusive series, Peacemaker.
John Cena, James Gunn and the cast introduce the world to the HBO Max exclusive series, Peacemaker.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 3 with Danielle Brooks
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova recap the third episode of Peacemaker. They discuss Peacemaker’s left-handed revelation, learn about the intricacies of what exactly constitutes a butt baby, and Fiona talks to special guest Danielle Brooks, who plays Adebayo.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova recap the third episode of Peacemaker. They discuss Peacemaker’s left-handed revelation, learn about the intricacies of what exactly constitutes a butt baby, and Fiona talks to special guest Danielle Brooks, who plays Adebayo.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova recap the third episode of Peacemaker. They discuss Peacemaker’s left-handed revelation, learn about the intricacies of what exactly constitutes a butt baby, and Fiona talks to special guest Danielle Brooks, who plays Adebayo.
Peacemaker: Character — Emilia Harcourt
Learn about Emilia Harcourt (played by Jennifer Holland) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Learn about Emilia Harcourt (played by Jennifer Holland) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Learn about Emilia Harcourt (played by Jennifer Holland) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 7 with John Cena
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova analyze the penultimate episode of Peacemaker. They get their first glimpse of The Cow (they’re gonna need a bigger farm), digest Peacemaker’s rather extreme emancipation from his father, and vault this podcast into another dimension with special guest John Cena, who plays Peacemaker himself.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova analyze the penultimate episode of Peacemaker. They get their first glimpse of The Cow (they’re gonna need a bigger farm), digest Peacemaker’s rather extreme emancipation from his father, and vault this podcast into another dimension with special guest John Cena, who plays Peacemaker himself.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova analyze the penultimate episode of Peacemaker. They get their first glimpse of The Cow (they’re gonna need a bigger farm), digest Peacemaker’s rather extreme emancipation from his father, and vault this podcast into another dimension with special guest John Cena, who plays Peacemaker himself.
Peacemaker: Dance for Peace
The cast and crew of Peacemaker discuss the filming of the opening credits sequence.
The cast and crew of Peacemaker discuss the filming of the opening credits sequence.
The cast and crew of Peacemaker discuss the filming of the opening credits sequence.
Peacemaker: Character — Peacemaker
Learn about Peacemaker (played by John Cena) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Learn about Peacemaker (played by John Cena) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Learn about Peacemaker (played by John Cena) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Peacemaker: The Story So Far
Peacemaker (John Cena) and Agent Amelia Harcourt (Jennifer Holland) revisit the events from The Suicide Squad.
Peacemaker (John Cena) and Agent Amelia Harcourt (Jennifer Holland) revisit the events from The Suicide Squad.
Peacemaker (John Cena) and Agent Amelia Harcourt (Jennifer Holland) revisit the events from The Suicide Squad.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 2 with Chukwudi Iwuji
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova discuss the second episode of Peacemaker. They wonder about the best way to hide from the police, celebrate the art of some good old-fashioned appliance destruction, and get some fun insight from special guest Chukwudi Iwuji, who plays Murn.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova discuss the second episode of Peacemaker. They wonder about the best way to hide from the police, celebrate the art of some good old-fashioned appliance destruction, and get some fun insight from special guest Chukwudi Iwuji, who plays Murn.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova discuss the second episode of Peacemaker. They wonder about the best way to hide from the police, celebrate the art of some good old-fashioned appliance destruction, and get some fun insight from special guest Chukwudi Iwuji, who plays Murn.
Peacemaker: Character — Adebayo
A profile of the character Adebayo, played by Danielle Brooks in the series.
A profile of the character Adebayo, played by Danielle Brooks in the series.
A profile of the character Adebayo, played by Danielle Brooks in the series.
Peacemaker: The Suicide Squad Featurette — What's Not To Love About Peacemaker?
The cast and crew of The Suicide Squad discuss the character of Peacemaker.
The cast and crew of The Suicide Squad discuss the character of Peacemaker.
The cast and crew of The Suicide Squad discuss the character of Peacemaker.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 5 with Steve Agee
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova break down the fifth episode of Peacemaker. They discuss the best method for alien pet care, marvel at Peacemaker’s weapon invention ingenuity, and Ify asks special guest Steve Agee, who plays Economos, how badass he felt after saving the day with a chainsaw.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova break down the fifth episode of Peacemaker. They discuss the best method for alien pet care, marvel at Peacemaker’s weapon invention ingenuity, and Ify asks special guest Steve Agee, who plays Economos, how badass he felt after saving the day with a chainsaw.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova break down the fifth episode of Peacemaker. They discuss the best method for alien pet care, marvel at Peacemaker’s weapon invention ingenuity, and Ify asks special guest Steve Agee, who plays Economos, how badass he felt after saving the day with a chainsaw.
Peacemaker: Danielle Brooks Explains DC Comics
Peacemaker star Danielle Brooks (who plays Leota Adebayo) talks about DC.
Peacemaker star Danielle Brooks (who plays Leota Adebayo) talks about DC.
Peacemaker star Danielle Brooks (who plays Leota Adebayo) talks about DC.
Peacemaker: BFFs
John Cena and Freddie Stroma discuss the dynamic between their characters in Peacemaker.
John Cena and Freddie Stroma discuss the dynamic between their characters in Peacemaker.
John Cena and Freddie Stroma discuss the dynamic between their characters in Peacemaker.
Peacemaker: Character — Economos
A profile of the character Economos, played by Steve Agee in the series.
A profile of the character Economos, played by Steve Agee in the series.
A profile of the character Economos, played by Steve Agee in the series.
Peacemaker: Dramatic Comic Book Readings with Chukwudi Iwuji
Chukwudi Iwuji (who plays Clemson Murn in Peacemaker) reads dramatic comic book selections.
Chukwudi Iwuji (who plays Clemson Murn in Peacemaker) reads dramatic comic book selections.
Chukwudi Iwuji (who plays Clemson Murn in Peacemaker) reads dramatic comic book selections.
Peacemaker: On Set Tour with Steve Agee
Steve Agee (who plays John Economos in the series) gives a behind-the-scenes set tour.
Steve Agee (who plays John Economos in the series) gives a behind-the-scenes set tour.
Steve Agee (who plays John Economos in the series) gives a behind-the-scenes set tour.
Peacemaker: Character — Clemson Murn
Learn about Clemson Murn (played by Chukwudi Iwuji) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Learn about Clemson Murn (played by Chukwudi Iwuji) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Learn about Clemson Murn (played by Chukwudi Iwuji) in the hit series Peacemaker.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 4 with Freddie Stroma
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova run down the fourth episode of Peacemaker. They wonder about the dust-free technology of quantum unfolding areas, demand a 10-hour cut of white supremacists getting beaten up, and ponder the best way to break into prison with special guest Freddie Stroma, who plays Vigilante.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova run down the fourth episode of Peacemaker. They wonder about the dust-free technology of quantum unfolding areas, demand a 10-hour cut of white supremacists getting beaten up, and ponder the best way to break into prison with special guest Freddie Stroma, who plays Vigilante.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova run down the fourth episode of Peacemaker. They wonder about the dust-free technology of quantum unfolding areas, demand a 10-hour cut of white supremacists getting beaten up, and ponder the best way to break into prison with special guest Freddie Stroma, who plays Vigilante.
Peacemaker: Character — Vigilante
A profile of the character Vigilante, played by Freddie Stroma in the series.
A profile of the character Vigilante, played by Freddie Stroma in the series.
A profile of the character Vigilante, played by Freddie Stroma in the series.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 8 with James Gunn
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova jump into the season finale of Peacemaker. They finally learn just how many men, women, and children Peacemaker is willing to kill for peace (the answer may surprise you), ponder where our characters go from here, and pester series creator, writer, director, and executive producer James Gunn about THAT scene. You know the one.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova jump into the season finale of Peacemaker. They finally learn just how many men, women, and children Peacemaker is willing to kill for peace (the answer may surprise you), ponder where our characters go from here, and pester series creator, writer, director, and executive producer James Gunn about THAT scene. You know the one.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova jump into the season finale of Peacemaker. They finally learn just how many men, women, and children Peacemaker is willing to kill for peace (the answer may surprise you), ponder where our characters go from here, and pester series creator, writer, director, and executive producer James Gunn about THAT scene. You know the one.
Podly: The Peacemaker Podcast: Ep. 6 with Jennifer Holland
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova react to the sixth episode of Peacemaker. They enjoy the calm before the storm of the final two episodes, applaud Peacemaker for his “politeness” at a children’s show-and-tell, and question the safety implications of working with a real eagle with special guest Jennifer Holland, who plays Harcourt.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova react to the sixth episode of Peacemaker. They enjoy the calm before the storm of the final two episodes, applaud Peacemaker for his “politeness” at a children’s show-and-tell, and question the safety implications of working with a real eagle with special guest Jennifer Holland, who plays Harcourt.
Hosts Ify Nwadiwe and Fiona Nova react to the sixth episode of Peacemaker. They enjoy the calm before the storm of the final two episodes, applaud Peacemaker for his “politeness” at a children’s show-and-tell, and question the safety implications of working with a real eagle with special guest Jennifer Holland, who plays Harcourt.
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- Blinkende Lichter Nacktheit Gewalt Drogenkonsum Alkoholkonsum Schimpfwörter sexuelle Inhalte
- Keine verfügbar
- James Gunn
- Lars WintherJohn H. Starke
- John CenaDanielle BrooksFreddie StromaChukwudi IwujiJennifer HollandSteve AgeeRobert Patrick
- Discovery Global Superheroes
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