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Digimon Adventure

While at summer camp, seven kids come across seven Digivices and are transported to a strange digital world. In this new world, they make friends with creatures that call themselves Digimon who were born to defend their world from various evil forces.
199913 Folgen
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  1. S103 F1The Gateway to Home
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    Gennai appears and says there is an eighth DigiDestioned and that Myotismon is planning to go to the Real World with an army of evil Digimon to find him/her.
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  2. S103 F2It's All in the Cards
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    The group visits Gennai's home where he unravels some secrets about the Digital World. When the kids return to the castle to open the gate, they battle with Dokugumon.
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  3. S103 F3Return to Highton View Terrace
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    The kids return to camp and to Highton View Terrace to find the eighth child. A battle between Garudamon and Mammothmon helps them recall a battle they witnessed four years earlier between a Greymon and Parrotmon.
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  4. S103 F4Almost Home Free
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    The DigiDestined have a series of misadventures trying to get back to their homes in Odaiba. Eventually, they end up getting a ride from Sora's cousin, Duane.
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  5. S103 F5The Eighth Digivice
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    At long last, the DigiDestined return to their homes. Kari's Digivice - which she has no knowledge of - gets carried off by her cat. The Digivice sets off a signal that brings in DemiDevimon, Raremon, and Izzy.
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  6. S103 F6Gatomon Comes Calling
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    The DigiDestined continue their search for the eighth child. Gatomon crosses paths with Kari and wonders if she could be the eighth child.
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  7. S103 F7Out On the Town
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    As the DigiDestined continue their search, Matt and T.K. run into Pumpkinmon and Gotsumon, two servants of Myotismon, who are far more interested in having fun than helping Myotismon.
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  8. S103 F8The Eighth Child Revealed
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    Wizardmon finds Kari's Digivice and brings Gatomon and Kari together. It is revealed that Kari is the eighth DigiDestined child and that Gatomon is her partner.
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  9. S103 F9Flower Power
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    Myotismon creates a barrier of fog around Odaiba and evil Digimon roam the streets. Bakemon and Phantomon begin taking people from their homes and holding them prisoner.
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  10. S103 F10City Under Siege
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    Myotismon uses Gatomon to try and identify the eighth child. Kari is found by Phantomon and gives herself up so that Matt and Sora are not harmed.
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  11. S103 F11Wizardmon's Gift
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    The DigiDestined are reunited. Wizardmon saves Kari and Gatomon, but at the cost of his own life.
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  12. S103 F12Prophecy
    5. März 1999
    21 Min.
    An ancient DigiWorld prophecy comes true when Myotismon returns as Venom Myotismon.
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  13. S103 F13The Battle for Earth
    5. März 1999
    19 Min.
    With the help of the entire team and their Digivices, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon are able to defeat VenomMyotismon. However, immediately following the battle they must leave for the Digital World, which is once again in danger.
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