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The Industrial Revolution

Staffel 1
The Great Courses partners with the Smithsonian to examine the extraordinary events and uncover the far-reaching impact of this incredible era. In 36 fascinating episodes, Professor Allitt introduces you to the inventors, businessmen, and workers responsible for transforming our lives and fueling one of the greatest periods of innovation in human history.
201436 Folgen
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  1. S1 F1Industrialization Is Good for You
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    Step into the story of one of the greatest periods in history. Although there is much to dislike about industrialization (including the loss of traditional ways of life, increased economic inequality, and environmental problems) we should nevertheless be grateful for the Industrial Revolution. Investigate why in this opening episode. #History
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  2. S1 F2Why Was Britain First?
    8. Mai 2014
    28 Min.
    Start at the beginning in the British Isles, where relative political stability, sophisticated financial institutions, colonial trade, a rising population of workers, and a class of scientists, thinkers, and entrepreneurs willing to experiment with innovation all contributed to the birth of the Industrial Revolution.
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  3. S1 F3The Agricultural Revolution
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    In Britain in the 18th century, new agricultural methods came into being, freeing up thousands of workers to move into manufacturing work. Take a look at some of these changes to agriculture, including different uses of the land, the introduction of new crops, and the early mechanization of farming, all of which increased productivity.
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  4. S1 F4Cities and Manufacturing Traditions
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    Traverse the country to see where industry took off, starting with a detailed look at the advantages and dangers of life in London. Then, shift your attention to provincial cities and towns, where industrialists had to combat the guild system of labor, alcohol in the workplace, and workers who preferred the older, slower pace of life.
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  5. S1 F5The Royal Shipyards
    8. Mai 2014
    31 Min.
    Explore the world of 18th-century shipyards, where the large-scale organization of work, materials, logistics, and complex construction would provide a blueprint for later factory-era industrialization. Find out how ships were made and what challenges shipbuilders faced, including fires, rot and decay, and logistical infrastructure.
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  6. S1 F6The Textile Industry
    8. Mai 2014
    30 Min.
    Turn from the conditions that made the Industrial Revolution possible to the actual process of industrialization that began in the textile business. After surveying the work of spinning and weaving textiles, you learn about several key inventors and their innovations, including the flying shuttle, the spinning jenny, and the cotton gin.
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  7. S1 F7Coal Mining
    8. Mai 2014
    31 Min.
    Rising demand for coal and improvements in mining technology transformed coal mining into a large-scale capitalist enterprise. Dive into one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, see what problems miners had to overcome, and examine some of the solutions. Learn about steam engines, safety lamps, ventilation, and more.
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  8. S1 F8Iron - Coking and Puddling
    8. Mai 2014
    27 Min.
    Along with coal, iron was one of the most important raw materials for the Industrial Revolution. After reviewing the history of iron, you study how to produce pig iron and forge wrought iron. Then, you meet many of the key innovators who improved the process of bringing higher-quality iron into a growing market.
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  9. S1 F9Wedgwood and the Pottery Business
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    Meet Josiah Wedgwood, whose pottery is among the most famous in the world. Thanks to his innovations in pottery-making technique and his division and "de-skilling" of labor in his factories, he turned his family's cottage industry into an immense, lucrative manufacturing phenomenon.
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  10. S1 F10Building Britain's Canals
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    Transportation became critically important as new industries emerged. Find out how canal builders connected major cities by water, which greatly enhanced the country's internal communications and allowed for the transportation of goods over long distances at relatively low cost. Look at the methods of building a canal and several key routes.
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  11. S1 F11Steam Technology and the First Railways
    8. Mai 2014
    30 Min.
    The invention of the steam engine was a major turning point for industry. Meet the engineers and businessmen who developed and improved the engines and locomotives that would drive the British economy in the 19th century. Key figures include James Watt, Matthew Boulton, John "Iron-Mad" Wilkinson, and George Stephenson.
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  12. S1 F12The Railway Revolution
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    See how British companies privately financed and built a national railroad system, and consider what it meant for the nation's future. In addition to enabling faster communications, economic stimulus, and a boost to employment, the railroads affected the world of architecture, inspired the building of towns, and created a managerial class in the workforce.
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  13. S1 F13Isambard Kingdom Brunel
    8. Mai 2014
    31 Min.
    One of the great railway builders, Isambard Kingdom Brunel designed some of the nation's most magnificent suspension bridges, as well as tunnel entrances and railway stations. Witness him then turning his attention to the world of shipbuilding, where he pioneered the production of ocean-going steamships.
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  14. S1 F14The Machine-Tool Makers
    8. Mai 2014
    31 Min.
    Where would the world's machines be without the tools with which to build and service them? We seldom think of the humble nuts and bolts that hold our machines together, but someone had to create and standardize them. Find out about that process and reflect on the importance (and impact) of industrial tools and their makers.
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  15. S1 F15The Worker's-Eye View
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    Step away from the machines and consider the human side of the Industrial Revolution. This episode shows you how ordinary laborers struggled for autonomy and how they were especially vulnerable to fluctuations in the business cycle. Grapple with the powerful moral objections to capitalism, which were articulated most famously by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
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  16. S1 F16Poets, Novelists, and Factories
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    Survey a wealth of 19th-century British literature, from poets such as William Wordsworth to novelists such as Charles Dickens and Elizabeth Gaskell. These works of literature offer a unique perspective on the Industrial Revolution, from evocative descriptions of the new technology to scathing indictments of the emerging labor system.
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  17. S1 F17How Industry Changed Politics
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    As industrialists in the 18th and 19th centuries became wealthy, they were able to gain political power and influence national policy. Delve into the debates over free trade and the political regulation of industry. Then look at some of the era's efforts at political reform and several notable acts of Parliament.
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  18. S1 F18Dismal Science - The Economists
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    The effects of the Industrial Revolution can be felt in every realm, perhaps none so starkly as the field of economics. Adam Smith, Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, and others analyzed the causes and effects of industrialization and put forth the theories of capitalism that still underlie economics today.
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  19. S1 F19American Pioneers - Whitney and Lowell
    8. Mai 2014
    31 Min.
    Shift your attention from Britain to the United States, where a class of mobile and educated entrepreneurs stood poised to build an industrial economy. This episode introduces you to the world of American manufacturing. Learn about Francis Cabot Lowell and Eli Whitney, early innovators in the US textile industry.
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  20. S1 F20Steamboats and Factories in America
    8. Mai 2014
    32 Min.
    Continue your study of American industrialization with a look at the steamships, canals, and railways that opened up the great continent. Then, turn to a series of great inventions in the 19th century, including the McCormick reaper, the John Deere steel plow, the telegraph, and the Colt revolver.
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  21. S1 F21Why Europe Started Late
    8. Mai 2014
    29 Min.
    Great Britain may have started the revolution, but other nations soon followed, and they had the advantage of learning from Britain's trials and errors. Reflect on why the rest of Europe lagged behind in the Industrial Revolution, and take a look at what efforts Belgium, France, and Germany took to catch up.
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  22. S1 F22Bismarck, De Lesseps, and Eiffel
    8. Mai 2014
    31 Min.
    After the unification of Germany in 1871, the nation industrialized rapidly. Thanks to a sophisticated educational system that emphasized science, German industries excelled at manufacturing chemicals, electrical equipment, and more. After witnessing the rise in German output, turn to several key innovations in France.
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  23. S1 F23John D. Rockefeller and Standard Oil
    8. Mai 2014
    28 Min.
    Learn the history of one of the most successful companies in American history. As oil became one of the world's most lucrative industries, John D. Rockefeller seized opportunities and built a monopoly with Standard Oil. Consider his questionable business tactics and the antitrust regulation they inspired.
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  24. S1 F24Andrew Carnegie and American Steel
    8. Mai 2014
    30 Min.
    Meet Andrew Carnegie, the American steel magnate who was a fanatic for business discipline, efficiency, record keeping, and technological modernization. See how he drove his competitors out of business as the demand for steel railways and bridges rose. Find out how he organized and diversified his business.
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  25. S1 F25American Industrial Labor
    8. Mai 2014
    29 Min.
    The American belief in upward mobility and its heterogeneous workforce constrained the union labor movement. Nevertheless, many strikes and protests did occur in response to industrialization. Experience the Great Railroad Strike, the Haymarket Square riot, and other important events in the history of American labor.
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Alle 36 Folgen anzeigen



The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution
1 Min.TV-PG
The Great Courses partners with the Smithsonian to examine the extraordinary events and uncover the far-reaching impact of this incredible era. In 36 fascinating episodes, Professor Allitt introduces you to the inventors, businessmen, and workers responsible for transforming our lives and fueling one of the greatest periods of innovation in human history.
The Great Courses partners with the Smithsonian to examine the extraordinary events and uncover the far-reaching impact of this incredible era. In 36 fascinating episodes, Professor Allitt introduces you to the inventors, businessmen, and workers responsible for transforming our lives and fueling one of the greatest periods of innovation in human history.
The Great Courses partners with the Smithsonian to examine the extraordinary events and uncover the far-reaching impact of this incredible era. In 36 fascinating episodes, Professor Allitt introduces you to the inventors, businessmen, and workers responsible for transforming our lives and fueling one of the greatest periods of innovation in human history.


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The Great Courses
Patrick N. Allitt
The Great Courses
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