Wild America

We humans definitely have animals we love and others that we hate to be around. Many of the ones that we dislike are slippery or scaly and they slink or scurry about. Some have been the source of our horror and fear going back to primeval times, but most often our dislike of them is irrational.
IMDb 8,6200810 episodi13+
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  1. S4 E1 - Beneficial Bats

    10 novembre 2008
    Long the misunderstood subject of myth and legend, Bats are hardly a favorite form of wildlife. Yet they are among our most valuable -- and interesting -- fellow creatures. This amazing study of America's only flying mammals reveals, with close-up and slow-motion cinematography, their fascinating habits and abilities, and offers fresh insight into the dark world of cave ecology.
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  2. S4 E2 - The Incredible Shrew

    10 novembre 2008
    Of the more than 4000 species of Mammals on earth, the tiny Shrew has earned a reputation for being the most voracious. It devours almost anything in its path, including creatures much larger than itself. Its heart is hardly malicious, but beats at a rate of 1000 times a minute. This reflects a metabolism which requires the Shrew to consume several times its body weight daily.
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  3. S4 E3 - King of Snakes

    10 novembre 2008
    In a confrontation with a Rattlesnake, this snake will win. Unharmed because it is immune to the venom, it swallows its victim whole. This amazing serpent is the Kingsnake. Reigning monarch among Reptiles, it is a world-class beauty, with a medley of patterns and colors. We see combat, mating, egg-hatching and feeding behavior in several kinds of Kingsnakes.
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  4. S4 E4 - A Multitude of Mollusks

    10 novembre 2008
    Mollusks are among the oldest living organisms, their fossils dating back 600 million years. And to this day, wherever there's water -- fresh or salty -- you'll find at least one of these fascinating Invertebrates. The second largest group in the Animal Kingdom, they come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and surroundings, from high-mountain Snail to deep-ocean Squid.
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  5. S4 E5 - Prince of the Pond

    10 novembre 2008
    You may not be able to turn one into a prince, but Frogs are certainly royal in their ability to adapt to many types of habitat. Commonly seen, yet little known, these water-loving Amphibians are usually smooth-skinned, sleek and speedy. We examine the surprising life cycles of the Leopard and Bullfrog, the tiny Tree-frog nicknamed the "Spring Peeper" and other croaking creatures.
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  6. S4 E6 - Remarkable Reptiles

    14 marzo 1986
    Until 65 million years ago, giant Reptiles ruled the Earth. Dinosaurs have disappeared, but their multitude of descendants thrive in practically every kind of habitat North America offers. Masses of emerging Garter Snakes writhe in Manitoba's Snake Pits. And from southern swamps resounds the primeval bellow of the Alligator, echoing an era millions of years before man.
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  7. S4 E7 - Snakedance

    10 novembre 2008
    While investigating life in an Oklahoma cave, Marty Stouffer discovers a pair of male Western Diamondback Rattlesnakes engaged in an extraordinary "combat dance". Sinuous bodies swaying upright, the intertwined serpents clench and strain as they try to wrestle each other to the ground. All stages of this hypnotizing Reptilian phenomenon are seen for the first time.
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  8. S4 E8 - The Truth about Turtles

    10 novembre 2008
    They were here even before the Dinosaurs appeared, and they remain with us today -- tough and adaptable, patient and persistent. Their unique design includes an armored shelter that enables the Turtle to prosper in deserts, forests, swamps, rivers, and seas. This program highlights the casual lifestyles of several noteworthy North American species of Turtles.
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  9. S4 E9 - Weasels: Sleek & Savage - Part 1

    10 novembre 2008
    Among our least known, and yet most intriguing, Mammals are the Weasels. They are probably the most beneficial of our predators, and they are definitely the quickest -- their movements being almost too fast to follow. Audacity is the most appropriate word for these deadly little carnivores. A three-inch-high Weasel will actually attack a man who attempts to block it from its captured prey!
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  10. S4 E10 - Weasels: Sleek & Savage - Part 2

    10 novembre 2008
    The many members of the Weasel Family are known for their luxurious fur and for their often-aggressive dispositions. While the Sea and River Otters are highly playful, the Wolverine, Badger and Mink are fierce hunters which rarely back down and run. This unique family also includes smelly Skunks, arboreal Marten and Fisher, and rare Black-footed Ferret.
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Marty Stouffer


Marty Stouffer


Marty Stouffer Productions Ltd
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