
The Power of Film

الموسم 1
The Power of Film dives deep into the art of storytelling by examining the defining principles and inner workings of the greatest American classic films from the past century.
20246 الحلقات7+
تجربة مجانية في Max

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  1. الموسم 1 الحلقة 1 - Popular and Memorable

    ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
    40 من الدقائق
    Using iconic scenes from many of these classic films, this series explores films that were both popular and memorable.
    تجربة مجانية في Max
  2. الموسم 1 الحلقة 2 - Trapped

    ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
    45 من الدقائق
    Nearly all memorable stories, whether told in movies or in real life, are about traps. The most memorable are generally about the loss, sacrifice, and ultimate triumph the central character must engage in to escape their trap.
    تجربة مجانية في Max
  3. الموسم 1 الحلقة 3 - Character Relationships

    ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
    38 من الدقائق
    As is true for religions, myths, and the longest-lasting dramas, the structure of most memorable dramatic plots centers on a single individual, around whom all the most important action and the other characters revolve.
    تجربة مجانية في Max
  4. الموسم 1 الحلقة 4 - Heroes and Villains

    ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
    38 من الدقائق
    Memorable films tend to be a compensation for what we don't see much of in the real world -- justice, commitment, and altruism. Film drama frequently treats the central characters as if they were heroes or villains, but often the two are very much alike.
    تجربة مجانية في Max
  5. الموسم 1 الحلقة 5 - The Power of Paradox

    ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
    45 من الدقائق
    In almost every memorable film, things are not what they seem, and learning the truth about characters and situations creates much of the tension in the film. Often, the truth of the film is quite paradoxical, which is what makes us want to keep watching.
    تجربة مجانية في Max
  6. الموسم 1 الحلقة 6 - Love and Meaning

    ٣١ مارس ٢٠٢٤
    43 من الدقائق
    Although it's often said that in order to succeed, a Hollywood film has to have a happy ending, when you look at the most memorable love stories, it's astonishing how many of them end with the separation or death of one or both lovers.
    تجربة مجانية في Max


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