第 7 季第 1 集 - Happy Halfaversary/Good Egg Bad Egg
2014年11月25日24 分钟Happy Halfiversary - The agents celebrate an important milestone in their partnership./ Good Egg Bad Egg - The agents try to determine what kind of creature will hatch from an egg.免费试享 PBS KIDS 或购买第 7 季第 2 集 - Night Shift/Put Me In Coach
2014年11月25日24 分钟Night Shift - The agents discover things are very different at Odd Squad at night./ Put Me In Coach - Coach O determines which agents get to visit the unicorns in Cloud Town.免费试享 PBS KIDS 或购买第 7 季第 3 集 - O is for Opposite/Agent Oksana's Kitchen Nightmares
2014年11月25日24 分钟O is for Opposite - When Ms. O gets trapped in a mirror, an opposite Ms. O enters the real world./ Agent Oksana's Kitchen Nightmares - The agents try to resolve a disagreement between Ms. O and Oksana.免费试享 PBS KIDS 或购买第 7 季第 4 集 - Rookie Night/Who Let The Doug Out?
2014年11月25日24 分钟Rookie Night - It's party time for all the new agents at Odd Squad./ Who Let The Doug Out? - Delivery Doug needs help with an egg situation.免费试享 PBS KIDS 或购买第 7 季第 5 集 - The Cherry-On-Top-Inator/Sir
2014年11月25日24 分钟The Cherry-On-Top-Inator - Agents recall how a beloved gadget helped them./ Sir - The agents bring someone with an odd problem back to headquarters.免费试享 PBS KIDS 或购买